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VS Code | Troubleshooting


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Knowing where to begin looking for information is the first step to reaching out for help. Many answers to commonly found problems can be found on the SonarLint channel of the Sonar Community Forum. See below for the basic steps to access the SonarLint logs when the analysis results are not what you expected.

How to get SonarLint logs

  • Open the SonarLint extension settings window: Manage > Settings > Extensions > SonarLint
  • Enable the Show Verbose Logs and select the Show Analyzer Logs options in the extension settings.
Where to turn on the Analysis logs and Verbose output when troubleshooting SonarLint for VS Code.
  • Switch the output in the VSCode console: Output > SonarLint

Troubleshooting Connected Mode setup

No matching project found

No matching project is found because:

  • It's best if you already have the project open in your IDE, otherwise SonarLint might not be able to find a matching file. 
  • SonarLint can get confused if you have more than one project open in different windows. Please close the non-applicable project and try again.

If these solutions don't help, follow these instructions to manually configure the project binding.

No matching issue found

SonarLint can't find your issue because:

  • You might not be on the same branch.
  • The issue was fixed, or the source code may be different from the analyzed version.

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