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SonarQube Community Build | DevOps platform integration | Azure DevOps integration | Creating and configuring your project

Creating and configuring your SonarQube project connected to Azure DevOps

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Once the global-level integration with Azure DevOps is complete, you can create your SonarQube Community Build project by importing your Azure DevOps repository. You can also create it manually but you won’t benefit from the integration features.

Importing your Azure DevOps repository

To import your repository, you need the Create Projects permission in SonarQube Community Build. 

The so-created SonarQube Community Build project is “bound” to its Azure DevOps repository. With a bound project, you can see in the SonarQube Community Build UI with which repository the project is associated.

To import an Azure DevOps repository into SonarQube Community Build:

  1. In the top navigation bar of SonarQube Community Build, select the Projects tab.
  2. In the top right corner, select the Create Project > From Azure DevOps button.
  3. If your instance has multiple Azure DevOps Integrations, select the Azure DevOps configuration from which you want to import your project. 
  4. Select the repository to be imported.

Creating your SonarQube Community Build project manually

You need the Create Project permission in SonarQube Community Build.

Proceed as follows: 

  1. In the top navigation bar of SonarQube Community Build, select the Projects tab.
  2. In the top right corner, select the Create Project > Local Project button.

Configuring the project analysis parameters

You can configure analysis parameters at different levels:

  • In your build environment.
  • In the file.
  • In SonarQube Community Build UI.
  • At the Azure pipeline level.
    Parameters set at the pipeline level have precedence over parameters set at other levels. 

For general information on setting up analysis parameters at the global and project levels, see Analysis parameters and the respective SonarScanner section: Maven, Gradle, .NET, or CLI.

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