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SonarQube Community Build | Instance administration | Authentication and provisioning | GitLab | Setting up authentication

Setting up GitLab authentication and provisioning

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You can delegate in SonarQube Community Build the authentication to GitLab by using the Just-in-Time provisioning mode.

You need the global Administer System permission in SonarQube Community Build to set up the authentication delegation.

Setup overview

SonarQube Community Build uses a GitLab OAuth 2 application to manage the authentication delegation to GitLab and the user or group synchronization. SonarQube Community Build uses a “GitLab Configuration” record to access the GitLab application. 

Step 1: Create a GitLab application for authentication and provisioning

  1. Create a GitLab OAuth 2 application: see the GitLab documentation.
  2. Specify the following settings in your GitLab application:
    • Name: Your app's name, such as SonarQube Community Build.
    • Redirect URI: <Your SonarQube Community Build URL>/oauth2/callback/gitlab. For example,
    • Scopes: Select api if you plan to enable group synchronization with Just-in-Time. Select read_user otherwise.
  3. Save your application. GitLab takes you to the application's page, where you can find your Application ID and Secret you’ll need in Step 2 below.

Step 2: Configure GitLab authentication and provisioning in SonarQube Community Build

  1. In in SonarQube Community Build, go to Administration > Configuration > General Settings > Authentication > GitLab.
  2. Select Enabled.
  3. Fill the following fields with information from the GitLab application created in Step 1: 
    • GitLab URL: Enter or your own GitLab server URL where applicable. 
    • Application ID
    • Secret
  4. Set the options you want to use:

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