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Using SonarQube Marketplace

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Administrators can access the SonarQube Marketplace via Administration > Marketplace. The Marketplace tab is the place for keeping the pieces of your SonarQube platform up to date. It lets you:


  • Which plugins are installed
  • Whether plugin updates are available
  • Which other plugins are compatible with your version of SonarQube


  • Which other SonarQube implementations are available, to enable more features


  • New plugins
  • Plugin updates

Setting up SonarQube to connect to the internet

Your SonarQube Community Build instance needs internet access to check for and install plugin updates. If your SonarQube is located behind a proxy, additional set up is required.

Internet sites used by the Marketplace

The Marketplace connects to to get the list of plugins. Most of the referenced plugins are downloaded from:

If your instance is secured behind a proxy

Marketplace uses HTTP(S) connections to external servers to provide these services. If your SonarQube  is located behind a proxy, you must provide additional information in <sonarqubeHome>/conf/ as shown below. The same properties can be used in the https.* form for HTTPS connections.


#If proxy authentication is required
If your instance doesn't have internet access
  • To install a plugin, see Installing a plugin manually.
  • You may get errors in your logs when the Marketplace tries to search for new plugins. You can stop this by updating sonar.updatecenter.activate in <sonarqubeHome>/conf/

Installing, updating, or uninstalling a plugin

You need the Administer System global permission to perform these operations.

To install or update a plugin:

  1. Go to Administration > Marketplace > Plugins.
  2. Retrieve the plugin or plugin update you want to install and select Install.
    Once the download is complete, a Restart button will be available to restart your instance. Restarting will enable the new plugin. This restart will not take into account any change to sonar-properties settings. 
  3. Select the Restart button.

To uninstall a plugin:

  1. Go to Administration > Marketplace > Plugins.
  2. Retrieve the plugin you want to uninstall and select Uninstall.

Deploying your plugin to the Marketplace

If you have developed a SonarQube plugin, you can check out the requirements for adding it to the Marketplace in the Plugin Development community.

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