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SonarQube Community Build | Server upgrade and maintenance | Upgrade | Using Marketplace

Using SonarQube Marketplace

On this page

Your SonarQube Community Build instance needs internet access to check for and install plugin updates. Installations require restarting the platform before they take effect.

Pending operations

When you perform an action in the Marketplace (install, update, or uninstall a plugin), a yellow banner appears at the top of the page showing pending operations that will be executed once SonarQube Community Build is restarted. Pending operations can be canceled until the server is restarted.

Restart SonarQube Community Build

Restarting SonarQube Community Build can be done manually from the command line by running restart. In SonarQube Community Build, you can also restart from the UI, in the Update Center. When you have Pending Changes, the restart button will be displayed in the yellow banner (see Pending Operations above). Please note that restarting SonarQube Community Build won't reload the changes applied to the

Stopping the Marketplace from searching for plugin updates

Your SonarQube Community Build needs internet access for the Marketplace to search for plugin updates. If your server doesn't have internet access, you may get errors in your logs when the Marketplace tries to search for new plugins. You can stop this by updating sonar.updatecenter.activate in <sonarqubeHome>/conf/

Which URLs does the Marketplace connect to?

The SonarQube Marketplace connects to to get the list of plugins. Most of the referenced plugins are downloaded from:

Using the Marketplace behind a proxy

Marketplace uses HTTP(S) connections to external servers to provide these services. If SonarQube Community Build is located behind a proxy, additional information must be provided in <sonarqubeHome>/conf/


#If proxy authentication is required

Note: the same properties can be used in the https.* form for HTTPS connections.

Deploying to the Marketplace

If you have developed a SonarQube plugin, you can check out the requirements for adding it to the Marketplace in the Plugin Development community.

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