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Upgrading from SonarQube Community Build to SonarQube Server

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To upgrade your SonarQube Community Build instance to a SonarQube Server instance:

  1. Determine the upgrade path (see below).
  2. Test the upgrade.
  3. Back up the SonarQube Community Build database.
  4. Perform the upgrade.
  5. Perform the post-upgrade steps.

Determining the upgrade path

Ensure that the target SonarQube Server version was released after your SonarQube Community Build version. 

In most cases, migrating to the latest version of the target product will suffice. However, if you are using the latest version of SonarQube Community Build, you may need to wait for the next version of SonarQube Server, typically available within a month.

Once the target version is confirmed, proceed with the standard upgrade procedure.

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