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SonarQube Community Build | Server installation and setup | Pre-installation steps | On Unix-based systems

Pre-installation steps on Unix-based systems

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Creating a dedicated user account for SonarQube Community Build

SonarQube Community Build should not be run as root on Unix-based systems. It is recommended to create a dedicated user account for SonarQube Community Build (It is highly recommended for a ZIP installation). 

For a ZIP installation, proceed as follows:

  1. Create a dedicated user account for SonarQube Community Build. Note that:
    • This user does not need to have a login shell.
    • This user does not need to have a password.
    • We recommend that the user’s home directory be the same as the installation directory (recommended: /opt/sonarqube).
  2. Grant to this user account the read/write/execute (or owner) privileges on the installation directory.

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