Advanced configuration
On this page
HTTP configuration
To operate, SonarQube for Visual Studio needs to perform HTTP requests, especially in connected mode. While SonarQube for Visual Studio will work out-of-the-box in most situations, some network infrastructure may require a custom configuration.
Manage your configuration
Server SSL certificates
When encountering an untrusted certificate, SonarQube for Visual Studio will inform the user with a notification that the server certificate can not be verified.

The truststore.p12
is expected to be found in the default location as listed below; add it manually if it doesn’t exist. Here is an example command that might work for your configuration:
keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore ~/.sonarlint/ssl/truststore.p12 -storepass sonarlint -noprompt -file <YOUR_CERTIFICATE_NAME.cer>
Path to the keystore used by SonarLint to store custom trusted server certificates
default: ~/.sonarlint/ssl/truststore.p12
Password of the truststore.
default: sonarlint
The format of the keystore file is found in the Oracle documentation.
default: PKCS12
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