Installing the SonarQube server from the ZIP file
First, check the requirements. Then follow these steps for your installation:
Download the distribution
Download and unzip the distribution (do not unzip into a directory starting with a digit).
SonarQube cannot be run as root
on Unix-based systems, so create a dedicated user account for SonarQube if necessary.
(below) refers to the path to the directory where the SonarQube distribution has been unzipped.
Perform various settings
Set access to the database
Edit <sonarqubeHome>/conf/
to configure the database settings. Templates are available for every supported database. Just uncomment and configure the template you need and comment out the lines dedicated to H2:
Example for PostgreSQL
Add the JDBC driver
Drivers for the supported databases (except Oracle) are already provided. Do not replace the provided drivers; they are the only ones supported.
For Oracle, copy the JDBC driver into <sonarqubeHome>/extensions/jdbc-driver/oracle
Configure the Elasticsearch storage path
By default, Elasticsearch data is stored in <sonarqubeHome>/data
, but this is not recommended for production instances. Instead, you should store this data elsewhere, ideally in a dedicated volume with fast I/O. Beyond maintaining acceptable performance, doing so will also ease the upgrade of SonarQube.
Edit <sonarqubeHome>/conf/
to configure the following settings:
The user used to launch SonarQube must have read and write access to those directories.
Adjust the Java executable path
By default, the scripts will use the Java executable available in the PATH. If there are multiple versions of Java installed on your server, you may need to explicitly define which version of Java is used.
It is possible to overwrite the default Java executable by setting the environmental variable SONAR_JAVA_PATH
export SONAR_JAVA_PATH="path/to/java_home/bin/java"
setx SONAR_JAVA_PATH "C:\Program Files\java_home\bin\java.exe"
Start the web server
Execute the following script to start the server:
- On Linux:
<sonarqubeHome>/bin/linux-x86-64/ start
- On macOS:
<sonarqubeHome>/bin/macosx-universal-64/ start
- On Windows:
You can now browse SonarQube at http://localhost:9000 (the default system administrator credentials are admin
Next steps
Once your server is installed and running, you're ready to begin analyzing source code.
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