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10.6 | Analyzing source code | Scanners | SonarScanner for NPM | Configuring the analysis parameters

Configuring the analysis parameters for the SonarScanner for NPM

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The analysis parameters are various parameters used to set up the project analysis. The following applies:

  • A few analysis parameters are mandatory. 
  • Many analysis parameters, such as those defining the analysis scope, have a default value and can be adjusted. 
  • Other parameters allow you to include the code and test coverage in your analysis, or to import issues generated by a third-party analyzer, etc.

Introduction to the analysis parameters setup

The SonarScanner for NPM reads or receives parameters from different sources:

  • It gets analysis parameters through its APIs.
  • It reads analysis parameters from package.json.
  • It reads analysis parameters from environment variables.
  • It reads parameters from the file.
  • It gets the parameters that were set in the SonarQube UI.
  • Some parameters are assigned a default value.

The table below lists the different configuration methods in the order of priority in which the SonarScanner for NPM processes the corresponding parameters. It also shows whether the parameters apply to all projects (global level) or to a given project.

Priority (higher to lower)MethodDescriptionGlobal levelProject level
1API parametersParameters can be provided to the scanner either through the JS code API or through the command line API.
2Environment variablesSome parameters can be stored in environment variables on the CI/CD host.x
4Project configuration fileParameters can be defined in the file stored in the project root directory. 
3package.json The scanner reads some analysis parameters from fields of the package.json file.
5Default valuesSome parameters are assigned a default value. The parameters considered here are parameters that cannot be set in the UI.(1)(1)
6UI (project level)Parameters can be set in the UI for a given project.
7UI (global level)Parameters can be set in the UI for all projects. x

(1) Depends on the parameter.

Analysis parameters read from package.json

The SonarScanner for NPM parses the NPM package.json file of the project to be analyzed and reads the value of the parameters below from the corresponding package.json field. For information about the listed analysis parameters, see Analysis parameters.

Analysis parameterpackage.json field
sonar.projectDescription description
sonar.links.issue bugs.url

In addition, specific values may be added to the parameters listed below if particular conditions are fulfilled.

Analysis parameterValue(s) added to Conditions
sonar.exclusions (see Analysis scope)
sonar.javascript.lcov.reportPaths (see Test coverage parameters) and jest.converageDirectory directoriesIf an file is specified in the package.json fields and jest.converageDirectory
sonar.testExecutionReportPaths (see Test execution parameters)Xunit.xml fileIf the package.json has declared the dependency mocha-sonarqube-reporter and the file xunit.xml exists in the project directory.

Preparing the analysis parameters setup

Depending on your tool environment and strategy, and on the analysis parameter (global or not, must be securely passed or not), you may choose one or the other setup method. 

All mandatory analysis parameters and some optional analysis parameters can only be set on the CI/CD host (i.e. they cannot be set in the UI). The Analysis parameters page lists these parameters and provides relevant information about each one. 

Providing analysis parameters through the scanner API

See Adding the analysis step to your build files or Starting the scanner from the command line in Using the SonarScanner for NPM.

Setting analysis parameters in environment variables

You can use environment variables on the CI/CD host to define analysis parameters:

  • Some parameters can be defined through a dedicated environment variable. For example, the property value can be defined through the SONAR_HOST_URL environment variable. See the parameter lists in Analysis parameters to know which parameters can be set in an environment variable. 
  • The SONAR_SCANNER_JSON_PARAMS environment variable allows you to pass multiple analysis parameters in a single variable, encoded as JSON.


SONAR_SCANNER_JSON_PARAMS = { “”:”http://my.server”,  “sonar.verbose:”true”}  

Setting analysis parameters in

See Configuring your project in SonarScanner CLI.

Setting analysis parameters in the SonarQube UI

You can set analysis parameters in the SonarQube UI at the global level (provided you have the global Administer permission) or for a given project (provided you have the Administer permission for this project). The project level has precedence over the global level, and parameters set on the CI/CD host have precedence over parameters set in the UI.

To set analysis parameters at the global level:

  • In the top navigation bar of the SonarQube UI, select Administration > Configuration > General settings.

To set analysis parameters at the project level:

  1. Open the project in the SonarQube UI.
  2. In the top right corner of the project page, select Project Settings > General Settings.

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