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10.6 | DevOps platform integration | GitHub integration | Setting up integration at global level | Setting parameters for GitHub Actions

Setting parameters used by GitHub Actions

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You can define at the global level the parameters used in GitHub Actions workflows to connect to the SonarQube Server (Server URL and token). To do so, you use GitHub secrets at the organization level: see GitHub's documentation on Encrypted secrets for more information. 

Storing the authentication token in GitHub at the global level

  1. In the SonarQube UI, generate a SonarQube token at the global level. 
  2. Create an organization secret in GitHub with:
    • Name: SONAR_TOKEN
    • Value: the token you generated in the previous step.

Storing the SonarQube Server URL in GitHub at the global level

Create an organization secret in GitHub with:

  • Value:  SonarQube Server URL. 

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