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10.7 | Instance administration | Authentication and provisioning | GitLab | Disabling authentication

Disabling GitLab authentication and provisioning

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To disable GitLab authentication and provisioning in SonarQube, you must disable the GitLab authentication configuration. You can re-enable the configuration anytime.

Disabling the GitLab configuration

  1. Go to Administration > Configuration > General Settings > Authentication > GitLab.
  2. If the automatic provisioning mode is enabled, disable it as follows:
  3. In the Provisioning section, select the Just-in-time user provisioning option.
  4. Select the Save button.
  5. Select Disable configuration
  6. You can delete the configuration by selecting the Delete button. In that case, you won’t be able to re-enable this configuration.

Re-enabling the GitLab configuration

  1. Go to Administration > Configuration > General Settings > Authentication > GitLab.
  2. Select Enable configuration
  3. If you had configured the automatic provisioning mode, select the Automatic user, group, and permission provisioning option. Your previous settings are kept.

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