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10.7 | Instance administration | User management | Deactivating users

Deactivating user accounts

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When you deactivate a user in SonarQube:

  • Any SonarQube tokens associated with the user are revoked.
  • You have the possibility to delete the user's personal data at the same time. 

Introduction to personal data deletion

For legal compliance, you may want to ensure that the personal data of deactivated users is not retained. 

SonarQube deletes a user's personal data by anonymizing their data. This feature has the following limitations:

  • The user login is changed, making it impossible to reactivate the user by recreating a user with the old login.
  • The user’s login may still be stored in issue changelogs and the user’s login, name, and email address may still be stored in audit entries (Audit entries are purged by default after 30 days.).
  • The user may still appear in the list of authors and other locations due to SCM (Source Control Management) data.
  • Some columns in the database may contain parts of the user's login if the user was created before the instance was upgraded to SonarQube 8.3.

Deactivating a user in SonarQube

You need the global Administer System permission to be able to deactivate users in SonarQube. 

To deactivate a user:

  1. In Administration > Security > Users, retrieve the user.
  2. In the user's Actions column, select the three-dot menu.
  3. Select Deactivate. The Deactivate User dialog opens.
  4. Select the Delete user's personal information option if you want to anonymize the user's personal data.
  5. Select Deactivate.

Deleting users' personal data using the API (deprecated)

This feature is deprecated.

You can delete personal data using the API. First, the user needs to be deactivated, then an admin can use the web service /api/users/anonymize and pass to it the login of a deactivated user to replace all personal data of the user with anonymized data. Note that the admin is able to retrieve the logins of deactivated users by using /api/users/search endpoint with the appropriate parameter.

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