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10.8 | Server upgrade and maintenance | Release and deprecation notes | Deprecations and removals

Deprecations and removals

This page contains information on the deprecation and removal of SonarQube Server features and API endpoints.

  • Each deprecated feature or API endpoint will be removed in a future release. We recommend to start using its replacement (if any) as soon as possible.
  • To check for breaking changes before you upgrade, read the release upgrade notes for all the versions between your current version and the target version.
  • Plugin API deprecations are announced in the sonar-plugi-api GitHub repository.

Deprecation time frame

A deprecated feature can be dropped in the year following the year it was deprecated, after the new LTA, with a minimum of 6 months after deprecation.

For example, a feature deprecated in the 2025.2 version is kept until the 2026.1 LTA (Long-Term Active) version and dropped in the 2026.2 version or later. 

A backward-incompatible change or dropping of a public API endpoint, a workflow, or a feature is subject to the deprecation. Once deprecated, they will be removed in a future version.

SonarQube 10.6

Deprecated build wrapper output property

  • Announced in SonarQube 10.6 (June 2024)
  • Removal in SonarQube 11.0 or later

Build Wrapper collects information from the build in two separate JSON formats: compile_commands.json and build-wrapper-dump.json. Both these files are generated in the specified output directory. The build-wrapper-dump.json format and its associated property are deprecated. The sonar.cfamily.compile-commands property should be used instead to specify the path to the compile_commands.json file.

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