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Importing your GitLab repositories into SonarQube Server

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Once the integration of SonarQube Server with GitLab has been properly set up, you can import a GitLab repository to create the corresponding project in SonarQube Server. To do so, you need the Create Project permission in SonarQube Server and you must provide a personal access token that authorizes you to access and list your projects in GitLab. 

The so-created SonarQube Server project is "bound" to its GitLab repository. With a bound project:

  • The project’s main branch name will be automatically set up from GitLab.
  • From the Developer Edition: the quality gate status report to the merge requests will be automatically set up.

Importing one or several GitLab repositories

  1. If it's the first time you import projects, generate a personal access token in GitLab with the read_api scope.
  2. In the top navigation bar of SonarQube Server, select the Projects tab.
  3. In the top right corner, select the Create Project > Import from DevOps platforms button.
  4. In the Import from GitLab section, select Setup. The GitLab project onboarding page opens. 
  5. If it's the first time you import projects, enter the personal access token generated in the first step in Personal Access Token and save.
    The repositories of the organization are listed on the page.
  6. Select one or several repositories.
  7. Select the Set up button to create the corresponding projects. The Projects page opens and displays the newly created projects at the top.

Importing a GitLab monorepo

Starting in Enterprise Edition, you can import a GitLab monorepo. See Managing the projects of a monorepo.

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