2025.1 | Extension guide | Developing a plugin | Supporting new languages
Supporting new languages
SonarQube ServerThe steps to cover a new programming language are:
- Write the grammar. This is the hardest part.
- Write a parser (a parser simply parses an input based on your grammar to yield a parse tree).
- Test your grammar, to ensure it is able to parse real-life language files.
- Write a few parse tree visitors. Some visitors will compute metrics such as executable lines, while others will enforce coding rules. A dozen or so visitors are sufficient for an initial release.
- Write a scanner Sensor, in a SonarQube Server plugin, to launch the visitors.
- Compute
- issues
- raw measures
- code duplications
- syntax highlighting
- symbol table
- coverage information (lines/branches to cover, line/branch hits)
In fulfilling these steps, the SonarSource Language Recognizer (SSLR) can be an important resource.
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