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Standard Experience

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The Standard Experience encompasses the use of rule types such as bugs, code smells, and vulnerabilities, with a single type and severity level for each rule. This approach focuses on assigning severity to a rule based on the single software quality (e.g. security, reliability, or maintainability) it has the largest impact on. 

How severity works in Standard Experience mode

BlockerA bug with a high probability to impact the behavior of the application in production. For example, a memory leak or an unclosed JDBC connection are BLOCKERs that must be fixed immediately.
CriticalEither a bug with a low probability of impacting the behavior of the application in production or an issue that represents a security flaw. An empty catch block or SQL injection would be a CRITICAL issue. The code must be reviewed immediately.
MajorA quality flaw that can highly impact the developer's productivity. An uncovered piece of code, duplicated blocks, or unused parameters are examples of MAJOR issues.
MinorA quality flaw that can slightly impact the developer's productivity. For example, lines should not be too long, and "switch" statements should have at least 3 cases, are both considered MINOR issues.
InfoNeither a bug nor a quality flaw, just a finding.

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