2025.1 | Instance administration | Global analysis setup | Choosing a mode for your instance | Standard Experience
Standard Experience
The Standard Experience encompasses the use of rule types such as bugs, code smells, and vulnerabilities, with a single type and severity level for each rule. This approach focuses on assigning severity to a rule based on the single software quality (e.g. security, reliability, or maintainability) it has the largest impact on.
How severity works in Standard Experience mode
Severity | Definition |
Blocker | A bug with a high probability to impact the behavior of the application in production. For example, a memory leak or an unclosed JDBC connection are BLOCKERs that must be fixed immediately. |
Critical | Either a bug with a low probability of impacting the behavior of the application in production or an issue that represents a security flaw. An empty catch block or SQL injection would be a CRITICAL issue. The code must be reviewed immediately. |
Major | A quality flaw that can highly impact the developer's productivity. An uncovered piece of code, duplicated blocks, or unused parameters are examples of MAJOR issues. |
Minor | A quality flaw that can slightly impact the developer's productivity. For example, lines should not be too long, and "switch" statements should have at least 3 cases, are both considered MINOR issues. |
Info | Neither a bug nor a quality flaw, just a finding. |
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