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Performing the server upgrade

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Now that you have determined your upgrade path and tested your upgrade, you can perform your upgrade.

Before you start

Consider the following before starting your upgrade:

  • SonarQube Server releases come with some specific recommendations for upgrading from the previous version. You should read the release upgrade notes for each version between your current version and the target version.
  • Database disk usage recommendations: During your upgrade, tables may be duplicated to speed up the migration process. This could cause your database disk usage to temporarily increase to as much as double the normal usage. Because of this, we recommend that your database disk usage is below 50% before starting a migration.

Upgrading a ZIP file instance

Before you upgrade, make sure you know how to install the server from the ZIP file and check that your environment meets the requirements of the version you're upgrading to.

To upgrade from the ZIP file:

  1. Download and unzip the SonarQube Server distribution of your edition in a fresh directory, let's say <newSonarqubeHome>.
  2. If you're using third-party plugins, manually install plugins that are compatible with your version of SonarQube Server. Use the plugin version matrix to ensure that the versions you install are compatible with your server version. Simply copying plugins from the old server to the new is not recommended; incompatible or duplicate plugins could cause startup errors. Analysis of all languages provided by your edition is available by default without plugins.
  3. Update the contents of file (in <newSonarqubeHome>/conf) with the settings in the <oldSonarqubeHome>/conf directory (web server URL, database, ldap settings, etc.). Do not copy-paste the old files. If you are using the Oracle DB, copy its JDBC driver into <newSonarqubeHome>/extensions/jdbc-driver/oracle.
  4. Stop your old SonarQube Server.
  5. Start your new SonarQube Server.
  6. Browse to http://yourSonarQubeServerURL/setup and follow the setup instructions.
  7. Reanalyze your projects for a better experience. 

Upgrading a Docker image instance

To upgrade SonarQube Server using the Docker image:

  1. Stop and remove the existing SonarQube Server container:
$ docker stop <container_id>
$ docker rm <container_id>

2. Run Docker.

$> docker run -d --name sonarqube \
    -p 9000:9000 \
    -e SONAR_JDBC_URL=... \
    -v sonarqube_data:/opt/sonarqube/data \
    -v sonarqube_extensions:/opt/sonarqube/extensions \
    -v sonarqube_logs:/opt/sonarqube/logs \

  where <image_name> is:

  • for SonarQube Community Build:  sonarqube
  • for SonarQube Server Editions: check the tags currently available on the DockerHub page

3. Go to http://yourSonarQubeServerURL/setup and follow the setup instructions.

4. Reanalyze your projects for a better experience.

Upgrading a Helm chart instance

Standard procedure
  1. Change the SonarQube Server version parameter on your values.yaml:
    • Developer and Enterprise Editions: image.tag
    • Data Center Edition: searchNodes.image.tag and applicationNodes.image.tag
  2. Redeploy SonarQube Server with the same helm chart:
helm upgrade --install -f values.yaml -n <yourNamespace> <yourReleaseName> <pathToSonarqubeHelmChart>

3. If you're upgrading a Data Center Edition: after SonarQube Server's search pods are running and ready, only one application (app) replica will be running and ready. You can confirm that it's because of the ongoing upgrade by inspecting the logs of the pod for this text: The database must be manually upgraded. Please backup the database and browse /setup.

4. Go to http://yourSonarQubeServerURL/setup and follow the setup instructions.

5. Reanalyze your projects to get fresh data.

If upgrading from 8.9.x LTA to 9.9.x LTA

Upgrade from 8.9.x LTA to 9.9.x LTA

To install SonarQube 9.9 LTA, use the sonarqube Helm chart. The sonarqube-lts Helm chart is no longer maintained and cannot be used to install the new LTS.

As SonarQube only requires to persist the database, the general upgrade process will consist of uninstalling your instance before installing the new LTA.

If you are using an external database, you don't have any persistent data inside kubernetes. Therefore, there is no action required.

Instead, if you rely on the embedded PostgreSQL chart (not recommended), uninstalling the chart will keep the PVC alive. The PVC can then be reused either:

  • by specifying postgresql.existingClaim in the values.yaml file 
  • by not changing parameter values, but making sure you install the new chart in the same namespace (auto-generated name will be the same).

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