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Setting up the monitoring with Datadog

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This section explains, in case of a Kubernetes deployment, how to set up the collection by Datadog of the metrics provided through the SonarQube Server’s Web API (Openmetrics format). In the following, we assume that you are installing both SonarQube Server and Datadog to a Kubernetes cluster via the corresponding Helm charts.


To set up Datadog to monitor SonarQube Server, you have to specify an annotation in SonarQube Server’s Helm chart related to Datadog. Since Datadog doesn’t understand the native Prometheus’ Bearer authentication annotation, you cannot use it. Instead, you can specify an annotation that will manage a Datadog configuration file. 

The illustration below shows the setup and monitoring process:

  • When you install the SonarQube Server’s Helm chart in the Kubernetes cluster, the chart deploys the Datadog configuration file on the sonarqube-kubernetes-datadog_Q0019 Pod.
  • The Datadog agent then:
    1. Reads the Datadog configuration file.
    2. Authenticates to the SonarQube Server’s Web API endpoint and pulls the Prometheus metrics from the endpoint.
    3. Pushes the metrics to the Datadog dashboard.

Setting up the Datadog authentication to the Web API endpoint

You need to create a secret containing the monitoring passcode and then mount that secret in the Datadog agent. To do so, add the code below to the values.yaml file of the Datadog’s Helm chart. In this example, we mount the subkey passcode from the datadog-api-secret secret into /etc/secret-volume.



 - name: secret-volume


     secretName: datadog-api-secret


     - key: passcode

       path: passcode


 - name: secret-volume

   mountPath: /etc/secret-volume

Specifying the annotation for the Datadog agent

Add the code below to the values.yaml file of the SonarQube Server’s Helm chart. Note that: 

  • This example corresponds to the example shown shown in Setting up the Datadog authentication to the Web API endpoint above: you must adapt the reader and writer sections to your values.
  • If a webcontext is used in the path at which to serve SonarQube Server then you must add it to the openmetrics_endpoint. For example, if the /sonarqube web context were used here then we would have:
    "openmetrics_endpoint": "http://%%host%%:9000/sonarqube/api/monitoring/metrics"
# Set annotations for pods

annotations:<EXPECTED_POD_NAME>.checks |


       "openmetrics": {

         "init_config": {},

         "instances": [


             "openmetrics_endpoint": "http://%%host%%:9000/api/monitoring/metrics",

             "metrics": [".*"],





                 "type": "file",

                 "path": "/etc/secret-volume/passcode"




                 "type": "header",

                 "name": "Authorization",

                 "value": "Bearer <TOKEN>"







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