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10.4 | Instance administration | Monitoring | API deprecation

Monitoring the deprecated API components

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If you use custom plugins based on the plugin API or consume SonarQube services through the Web API then you will have to manage the possible API deprecations. See also the Web API deprecation policy and the Plugin API deprecation policy.

Monitoring the deprecated Web API components

After an upgrade, you can check if an authenticated client of your SonarQube instance uses deprecated Web API endpoints and parameters in order to anticipate their drop. To do so, browse the deprecation log as illustrated below.

To download the deprecation log from the UI (with the Administer System permission):

  1. In the top navigation bar of the SonarQube UI, select Administration > System.
  2. In the top right corner of the System Info page, click Download Logs > Deprecation Logs.

Monitoring the deprecated Plugin API components

Check the Plugin API release notes for deprecation notes.

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