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10.6 | Instance administration | Authentication and provisioning | SAML | SCIM | Overview


Automatic provisioning through SCIM is available starting in Enterprise Edition

SCIM is a protocol used to automatically manage user identity between an identity provider (IdP) and a service provider (SP, SonarQube in this context). If you manage permissions through groups, SCIM helps you automatically maintain user existence and permissions in SonarQube. 

You can enable SCIM to automate user and group provisioning in SonarQube. Supported operations from your IdP are:

  • User creation
  • User deletion
  • Group creation
  • Group membership addition and removal
  • Group name update
  • Group deletion

You can set up automatic provisioning between SonarQube and the following IdPs: 

When you enable automatic provisioning through SCIM, all users and groups become read-only in SonarQube. The only operations available in SonarQube are local group deletion and local user deactivation (local meaning not managed by SCIM).

Note that before you can configure SCIM provisioning, you must configure SAML.

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