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10.7 | User guide | Viewing projects | Viewing project activity

Viewing a project activity and history

On this page

You can:

  • View the full list of code scans performed on your project since it was created in SonarQube. Y
  • Follow the evolution of the quality gate.
  • See the changes in quality profiles.
  • Discover when a given version of your code has been scanned.
  • etc. 

To view the activity and history of a project:

  1. Retrieve the project.
  2. In the project navigation bar, select Activity. The left sidebar contains the list of code scans performed on your project (The project snapshot purge policy is defined in Housekeeping). 
  3. In Filter events, you can filter the scans list by event type (see Event types below).
  4. Graphs on the Activity page help you understand the evolution of up to three measures of your choice against each other. This allows you to compare project components and quickly spot the ones that represent the greatest risks. The Activity page offers several pre-defined visualizations, and you can also create custom visualizations with the metrics of your choice. For information, see Monitoring the code metrics of a project.

Event types

Definition changeThe application’s definition has changed.
Issue detectionAn analyzer used in the project has been updated.
ProfileThe quality profile used to analyze the project has changed. Either the profile was edited, or a different profile was used for analysis. It also shows details about rule updates.
Quality Gate

The status of the quality gate has changed.

SonarQube version upgradeThe SonarQube version has been updated. Appears after the first analysis following the upgrade.
VersionThe project's version has changed.
OtherAn event was manually created on a snapshot. See Managing history for more information. 

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