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8.9 | Analyzing source code | Languages | JavaScript/TypeScript


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In order to analyze JavaScript or TypeScript code, you need to have supported version of Node.js installed on the machine running the scan. Supported versions are current LTS versions (v10, v12, v14) and latest version v15. Odd (non LTS) versions might work, but are not actively tested. We recommend using the latest available LTS version (v14 as of today) for optimal stability and performance.

If standard node is not available, you have to set property sonar.nodejs.executable to an absolute path to Node.js executable.

Language-specific properties

Discover and update the JavaScript / TypeScript properties in: Administration > General Settings > JavaScript / TypeScript.

Supported frameworks, versions and languages

  • ECMAScript 5 / ECMAScript 2015 (ECMAScript 6) / ECMAScript 2016-2017-2018
  • TypeScript 4
  • React JSX
  • Vue.js
  • Flow


Slow or unresponsive analysis

On a big project, more memory may need to be allocated to analyze the project. This would be manifested by analysis getting stuck and the following stacktrace might appear in the logs

ERROR: Failed to get response while analyzing [file].ts timeout

You can use sonar.javascript.node.maxspace property to allow the analysis to use more memory. Set this property to 4096 or 8192 for big projects. This property should be set in file or on command line for scanner (with -Dsonar.javascript.node.maxspace=4096).

Default exclusions

By default, analysis will exclude files from dependencies in usual directories, such as node_modulesbower_componentsdistvendor, and external. It will also ignore .d.ts files. If for some reason analysis of files in these directories is desired, it can be configured by setting sonar.javascript.exclusions property to empty value, i.e. sonar.javascript.exclusions="", or to comma separated list of paths to be excluded. This property will exclude the files also for other languages, similar to sonar.exclusions property, however sonar.exclusions property should be preferred to configure general exclusions for the project.

Custom rules

As a replacement, we suggest you to have a look at ESLint, it provides custom rules that you can then import thanks to the External Issues feature.

TypeScript files are not analyzed

Using a TypeScript version that is higher than the one supported by SonarQube can cause false positives or issues with parsing, and some options (such as the useUnknownInCatchVariables compiler option) might not get recognized, causing TypeScript files to be ignored by the analysis.

We recommend checking that the version of TypeScript used is supported by SonarQube, and upgrading to a higher SonarQube version if needed.


The JavaScript Analyzer parses the source code, creates an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) and then walks through the entire tree. A coding rule is a visitor that is able to visit nodes from this AST.

As soon as the coding rule visits a node, it can navigate the tree around the node and log issues if necessary.

Create SonarQube Plugin

Custom rules for JavaScript can be added by writing a SonarQube Plugin and using JavaScript analyzer APIs.

To get started a sample plugin can be found here: javascript-custom-rules. Here are the step to follow:

  • Create a standard SonarQube plugin project
  • Attach this plugin to the SonarQube JavaScript analyzer through the pom.xml:
    • Add the dependency to the JavaScript analyzer.
    • Add the following line in the sonar-packaging-maven-plugin configuration. <basePlugin>javascript</basePlugin>
  • Implement the following extension points:
    • Plugin
    • RulesDefinition
    • CustomRuleRepository, this interface registers rule classes with JavaScript plugin, so they are invoked during analysis of JavaScript files.
  • Declare RulesDefinition as an extension in the Plugin extension point.

You can implement both RulesDefinition and CustomRulesRepository in a single class.

Implement a Rule

  • Create a class that will hold the implementation of the rule. It should:
    • Extend DoubleDispatchVisitorCheck or SubscriptionVisitorCheck
    • Define the rule name, key, tags, etc. with Java annotations.
  • Declare this class in the RulesDefinition.

Implementation Details

Using DoubleDispatchVisitorCheck

DoubleDispatchVisitorCheck extends DoubleDispatchVisitor which provide a set of methods to visit specific tree nodes (these methods' names start with visit). To explore a part of the AST, override the required method(s). For example, if you want to explore if statement nodes, override the DoubleDispatchVisitor#visitIfStatement method that will be called each time an IfStatementTree node is encountered in the AST.

 When overriding a visit method, you must call the super method in order to allow the visitor to visit the rest of the tree.

Using SubscriptionVisitorCheck

SubscriptionVisitorCheck extends SubscriptionVisitor. To explore a part of the AST, override SubscribtionVisitor#nodesToVisit() by returning the list of the Tree#Kind of node you want to visit. For example, if you want to explore if statement nodes the method will return a list containing the element Tree#Kind#IF_STATEMENT.

Create issues

Use these methods to log an issue:

  • JavaScriptCheck#addIssue(tree, message) creates and returns an instance of PreciseIssue. In the SonarQube UI this issue will highlight all code corresponding to the tree passed as the first parameter. To add cost (effort to fix) or secondary locations provide these values to your just-created instance of PreciseIssue.
  • JavaScriptCheck#addIssue(issue) creates and returns the instance of Issue. Use this method to create non-standard issues (e.g. for a file-level issue instantiate FileIssue).

Check context

Check context is provided by DoubleDispatchVisitorCheck or SubscriptionVisitorCheck by calling the JavaScriptCheck#getContext method. Check context provides you access to the root tree of the file, the file itself and the symbol model (information about variables).

Test rule

To test the rule you can use JavaScriptCheckVerifier#verify() or JavaScriptCheckVerifier#issues(). To be able to use these methods add a dependency to your project:


API Changes

SonarJS 6.0

  • Feature and API are deprecated.

SonarJS 4.2.1

  • CustomJavaScriptRulesDefinition is deprecated. Implement extension RulesDefinition and CustomRuleRepository instead.

SonarJS 4.0

  • Method TreeVisitorContext#getFile() is removed.

Issue tracker

Check the issue tracker for this language.

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