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SonarCloud | Deprecations and removals

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Deprecations and removals

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This page contains information on the deprecation and removal of SonarCloud features and API endpoints. 

Deprecation time frame

When a deprecation is announced here, it marks the start of the deprecation time frame. The feature or API endpoint will be removed anytime after the time frame expires.

  • Feature deprecation is announced at least 90 days before the feature is removed.
  • API endpoint deprecation is announced at least 180 days before the endpoint is removed.

A backward-incompatible change or dropping of a public API endpoint, a workflow, or a feature can be considered deprecation. Once deprecated, they will be removed after a defined period of time.

Deprecation announcements

Deprecated build wrapper output property

  • Announced in May 2024
  • Removal after July 10 2024

Build Wrapper collects information from the build in two separate JSON formats: compile_commands.json and build-wrapper-dump.json. Both these files are generated in the specified output directory. The build-wrapper-dump.json format and its associated property are deprecated. The sonar.cfamily.compile-commands property should be used instead to specify the path to the compile_commands.json file.

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