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SonarCloud | Enriching your analysis | Test coverage | Dart test coverage

Dart test coverage

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SonarCloud supports the reporting of test coverage information as part of the analysis of your Flutter or Dart  project.

However, SonarCloud does not produce the coverage report itself. Instead, you'll need to set up a coverage tool to produce an LCOV report as part of your build process, then configure your analysis to tell the SonarScanner where the report is located so that it can pick it up and send it to SonarCloud. The report will be displayed on your project dashboard along with the other analysis metrics.

Follow the in-product tutorial

After you import your repository, SonarCloud directs you to the onboarding tutorial specific to your CI. Follow the tutorial, and when asked What option best describes your build?, choose Flutter or Dart. When you're done with the tutorial, you should have a functioning CI-based analysis setup for your project. The next step is to adjust it to get coverage working.

Adjust your setup

To enable coverage for Dart, you need to:

  • Adjust your build process so that the coverage tool generates the report(s) just after your unit as part of the clean build required to run analysis.
  • Make sure that the coverage tool writes its report file to a defined path in the build environment.
  • Configure the scanning step of your build so that the scanner picks up the report file from that defined path.

Adding coverage to your build process

For Flutter or Dart projects, SonarCloud supports LCOV reports. The location of the coverage report produced by the tool must be set in the associated analysis parameter sonar.dart.lcov.reportPaths

Multiple options are available to generate coverage reports, depending on the type of project and the tools used to run test. For example:

# example for a Flutter project
flutter test --coverage

# example for a Dart project
dart pub global activate coverage
dart pub global run coverage:test_with_coverage

To produce data for branch coverage when using the Dart coverage package, you can provide the --branch-coverage parameter to the coverage:test_with_coverage target. You'll find more information and options in the Dart coverage package documentation.

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