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SonarCloud | Managing your projects | Managing code issues | Introduction

Managing your code issues

On this page

An issue is a problem in your code that prevents it from being Clean Code. Each Clean Code attribute is evaluated, for a given language, based on a series of rules. When a coding rule is broken, an issue is raised. The issue affects one or more software qualities with a varying impact level (called severity) as inherited from the rule.

The following applies:

  • A new issue is automatically assigned to the last committer on the issue line - the author -  if the author can be correlated to a SonarCloud user. You can reassign the issue. 
  • The issue context locates the issue in the code. The primary location is where the issue message is displayed. Secondary locations may be shown to help you understand the issue. Paths through the code (execution flows) are shown from the source to the destination (sink) when the issue originated upstream.
  • An issue is assigned a status that changes during its life cycle. In particular:
    • You can accept an issue to fix it later (status: Accepted).
    • With the corresponding authorization, you can set an issue to False positive if you think the analysis is mistaken.
  • You can tag and comment on issues.
  • Issue management solution overview
    This page explains: how SonarCloud identifies, assigns, and synchronizes issues; the issue lifecycle.
  • Retrieving issues
    This page explains how to retrieve and filter issues.
  • Reviewing issues
    This page explains how to view and understand your issues in the SonarCloud UI.
  • Editing issues
    This page explains how to accept, mark as False positive, reopen, assign, tag, or comment on an issue.
  • Fixing issues
    This page explains how to get suggested fixes for your issues.
  • Subscribing to email notifications
    This page explains how to configure your account to receive email notifications for issue-related events.

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