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SonarCloud | Managing your projects | Managing your project as a developer

Managing your project as a developer

On this page

This page explains various procedures you can perform on your project without being a project admin.

Connecting your project to SonarLint

SonarLint is a free IDE extension that integrates with SonarCloud using Connected Mode. This way, SonarLint can catch issues immediately, right in the IDE, before you even commit them.

Check the SonarLint documentation for the details about setting up Connected Mode:

Generating a token for your project analysis

See Managing your tokens.

Subscribing to notifications on project events

You can choose to receive email notifications when specific events occur in your project. See Subscribing to email notifications.

Marking a project as favorite

Favorite projects are displayed on Your projects page.

To mark a project as favorite:

  1. Retrieve the project.
  2. In the top of the left-side panel, select the star. 

Alternatively, you can select or unselect the star in a list of projects as illustrated below.

Using a project badge

You can include dynamic SonarCloud badges on your web pages to display information about your project such as: 

  • The current value of specific metrics
  • The current quality gate status
  • The fact that you are using SonarCloud

Markdown snippets and simple image URLs are provided to generate the badge code.

To generate the code of your dynamic project badge:

  1. Retrieve the project.
  2. In the left navigation bar, select Information.
  3. In the Badges section:
    1. Select the information type you want to display: 
      • Metric value
      • Quality gate status
      • SonarCloud user
    2. If you selected the metric value information type, select the metric in Customize badge
    3. In Code format, select Markdown (markdown snippet) or Image URL depending on how you want to include your badge.
    4. Select the Copy button to copy the code of your badge.

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