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SonarQube Cloud | AI capabilities | Managing AI features

Managing AI features in your organization

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AI features are only available in SonarQube Cloud Team and Enterprise plans.

Enabling AI-generated fix suggestions

AI CodeFix is available in Early Access for Team and Enterprise plans and must be activated by an Organization Admin.

SonarQube Cloud's AI CodeFix includes a feature that uses Open AI’s GPT-4 to suggest fixes for the issues detected in your projects.

As an Organization Admin, you can activate or deactivate AI-generated fix suggestions in your organization. This allows developers to get AI-based fix suggestions for the issues detected in their projects.

To enable AI CodeFix, go to Your Organization > Administration > Organization settings > AI CodeFix and select Enable AI CodeFix. Once AI CodeFix is enabled, select either All projects or choose projects individually from the list to activate the feature.

Note that if you choose Enable AI CodeFix on selected projects only, new projects will not be automatically enabled.

Getting AI-generated fix suggestions

When AI-CodeFix is enabled for your organization by an Organization Admin, you can get an AI-generated fix suggestion for eligible issues. The suggestions are generated using OpenAI's GPT-4. 

To generate a fix suggestion:

  • Retrieve the issue and open its detail view. If an AI CodeFix is an option for that particular issue, you will see the Generate AI Fix button.
  • From either the Where is the Issue or the AI CodeFix tabs, select the Generate Fix button.
If an AI CodeFix is available for your issue, SonarQube Cloud will offer a Generate AI Fix button to select.

An AI CodeFix will be generated, and you’ll see a diff view in the AI CodeFix tab. Simply copy and paste the generated fix into your IDE; If you're using SonarQube for IDE and have Connected Mode set up, feel free to use the Open in IDE feature to streamline the process.

  • If you are running SonarQube for Visual Studio, selecting Open in IDE will directly paste the fix suggestion into your IDE.

An AI Code Assurance badge is available to any SonarQube Cloud plan to mark your AI projects as reviewed by SonarQube Cloud. Any user with project access can use the badge. For more detailed instructions, see the Marking a project as containing AI-generated code article on the AI settings page.

Note that for some issues, an AI CodeFix suggestion is not available.

AI Code Assurance

SonarQube Server recognizes that AI-generated code should be monitored with additional quality standards and offers administrators a series of tools described on the AI standards page.

An AI Code Assurance badge is available for any SonarQube Cloud project to mark your AI projects as reviewed by SonarQube Cloud. Any user with project access can use the badge, which can be applied to a project regardless of whether AI CodeFix is enabled.

If you’re ready to apply the badge, it works just like any other. For instructions, please see the Using a project badge article. You do not need to enable the AI CodeFix feature to use the AI Code Assurance badge. 

Overview of AI capabilities

Standards for AI-generated code

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