SonarQube Cloud | Managing your projects | Managing code issues | Retrieving issues
Retrieving issues
You can retrieve and view the issues detected during a project's analysis. Ensure you have proper Permissions on a project to view and administer the issues.
Different ways of retrieving issues
- From My issues, located at the top navigation bar. My issues lists all issues assigned to you.
- From the Issues tab at a project level.
- From the analysis report cards on branches and pull requests of your projects.
- From the Issues tab at the organization level, if your organization belongs to an enterprise.
Filtering issues
The Issues page is divided into two sections:
- Filters are located in the left sidebar. This is where you enter your search criteria.
- A list of issues is in the right section of the page, where your search results are displayed.
Each issue card contains information that helps you identify the following:
- Project name and the path to the code file.
- The name of the rule that triggered the issue.
- Impacted software quality and severity level.
- Status of the issues.
- Assignee
- Clean Code attribute
- Tags
- Additional information: line number, estimated time effort to fix the issue, the amount of time that has passed since the introduction of the code, and type.
Navigating issues
To navigate to an issue, select the issue card in the search results and press the Right arrow key or click on its name. A detail view of the issue opens in the right section, and the left sidebar shows the search results. To start a new search, press the Left arrow key or navigate one step back in your browser.
Copying the URL of an issue
- Retrieve an issue and navigate to the issue's detail page.
- Click on the link icon next to the name of the issue to copy the issue's URL.
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