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Visual Studio | Team features | Advanced configuration

Advanced configuration

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HTTP configuration

To operate, SonarQube for Visual Studio needs to perform HTTP requests, especially in connected mode. While SonarQube for Visual Studio will work out-of-the-box in most situations, some network infrastructure may require a custom configuration.

Manage your configuration

Server SSL certificates

When encountering an untrusted certificate, SonarQube for Visual Studio will inform the user with a notification that the server certificate can not be verified.

SonarQube for Visual Studio will notify you if your SSL certificate is untrusted.

The truststore.p12 is expected to be found in the default location as listed below; add it manually if it doesn’t exist. Here is an example command that might work for your configuration:

keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore ~/.sonarlint/ssl/truststore.p12 -storepass sonarlint -noprompt -file <YOUR_CERTIFICATE_NAME.cer>



Path to the keystore used by SonarLint to store custom trusted server certificates

default: ~/.sonarlint/ssl/truststore.p12


Password of the truststore.

default: sonarlint


The format of the keystore file is found in the Oracle documentation.

default: PKCS12

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