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Standard Experience

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The Standard Experience encompasses the use of rule types such as bugs, code smells, and vulnerabilities, with a single type and severity level for each rule. This approach focuses on assigning severity to a rule based on the single software quality (e.g. security, reliability, or maintainability) it has the largest impact on. 

How severity works in Standard Experience mode

BlockerAn issue that has a significant probability of severe unintended consequences on the application that should be fixed immediately. This includes bugs leading to production crashes and security flaws allowing attackers to extract sensitive data or execute malicious code. 
CriticalAn issue with a critical impact on the application that should be fixed as soon as possible.
MajorAn issue with a major impact on the application.
MinorAn issue with a minor impact on the application.
InfoThere is no expected impact on the application. For informational purposes only. 

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