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SonarQube Server release cycle model

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A new version of SonarQube Server is released every two months, with a new Long-Term Active (LTA) version (previously known as LTS) released every year. LTA is a functionally complete version of the product that will receive longer-term support. 

This means that there are six releases of SonarQube Server per year, including the LTA version at the beginning of each year.

Version scheme

SonarQube Server releases follow the following version scheme:


A graphic representation of SonarQube Server's release cycle.

Support policy

The support policy is as follows:

  • The latest version receives new features, enhancements, patches, and technical support.
  • The latest-1 version receives technical support. 
  • The latest LTA receives:
    • Patches to fix vulnerabilities or blocker bugs until the next LTA is released.
    • Technical support up to 6 months after the next LTA is released.

The figure below shows the provided support when the latest version is 2025.3.

Active versions

In order to ensure that you continue to avail of the best user experience, you need to make sure that you are on an active version. An active version of SonarQube Server is a version that is deemed suitable for use and support. 

Active version definition

The following count as active versions:

  • The latest version of SonarQube Server
  • Latest -1
  • LTA
  • LTA -1, up to 6 months after the new LTA is released and as long as a maximum of 3 versions are active

If we suppose that SonarQube Server 2025.3 has just become available (see the figure above), the active versions are:

  • Latest version: 2025.3
  • Latest-1: 2025.2
  • LTA: 2025.1 
  • LTA-1:  9.9
How do I know if my SonarQube version is active?

There are two main ways to check if you are using an active version of SonarQube Server:

  1. In SonarQube Server, in the footer next to the version number, you can immediately see if your version is active or no longer active.
Version status in the footer of the page

2. Administrators can go to the Administration > System.  As per above, you can see in the footer if you are on an active version. 

Version status on the system page

If there is a new version available, administrators will see a message at the top of the screen prompting you to upgrade to the latest version:

Active version notification

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