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Installing Data Center Edition Helm chart from the Google Cloud Platform

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Data Center Edition can be deployed on Kubernetes through the Google Marketplace, using its Click to Deploy feature with the following current limitations: 

  • Data Center Edition can't be deployed into "Autopilot" clusters.
  • Data Center Edition is not compatible with Istio.


Make sure that kubectl is configured in your environment and that your cluster has Google's Application CustomResourceDefinition installed. That definition can be obtained from this file

Pre-installation steps

  • Set the value of your Application authentication JWT Token. This value is an HS256 key encoded with base64. To do so, you may use the echo command below:
echo -n "your_secret" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "your_key" -binary | base64 
  • If necessary, create the target namespace you want to install Data Center Edition into.

Installing using Click to Deploy

  1. Go to the Data Center Edition page on the Google Cloud Platform.
  2. Click Get started and follow the instructions.
  3. In the Deploy page, fill in the fields in the Click to Deploy on GKE tab: see Installation parameters below.
  4. At the bottom of the tab, click Deploy

Installing manually

For manual installation or development purposes, SonarQube Server can be configured using the mpdev CLI tool provided by Google. See Installation parameters below for the supported parameters with key.

Deleting the installation

To delete the installation of SonarQube Server from your cluster:

  1. Delete the created Application resource.
  2. Delete the PersistentVolumeClaims related to the search nodes and database (if applicable).

Installation parameters

Existing Kubernetes clusterKubernetes cluster in which the application will be deployed.

NamespaceTarget namespace to install Data Center Edition into (The namespace must exist already, it will not be created automatically.).namespacestring
App instance nameName of the application in your Kubernetes clusternamestring
Application authentication JWT TokenThe HS256 key encoded with base64: see Pre-installation steps above.ApplicationNode.jwtSecretstring
Connection to a database - RecommendedIf enabled, SonarQube Server will be connected to your PostgreSQL database. The connection parameters JDBC URL, username, and password will be used. Make sure that the Embedded database option is disabled.jdbcOverwrite.enableboolean
JDBC URLThe JDBC URL used to connect to the database.jdbcOverwrite.jdbcUrlstring
JDB UsernameThe username used to connect to the database.jdbcOverwrite.jdbcUsernamestring
JDBC PasswordThe password used to connect to the database.jdbcOverwrite.jdbcPasswordstring
Application nodes replicasThe number of replicas for the Application NodesApplicationNodes.replicaCountinteger
Search nodes replicasThe number of replicas for the Search NodessearchNodes.replicaCountinteger
Enable initSysctl privileged initContainer to setup elasticearch kernel parametersThis should be disabled and set up by your cluster administrator. Refer to this documentation for more details. initSysctl.enabledboolean
Enable initFs root initContainer to setup filesystem parametersThis is generally not required on a Google Kubernetes cluster. Refer to this documentation for more details. initFs.enabledboolean
GCP Marketplace applicationThis flag must be enabled in the context of the installation from GCP.gcp_marketplaceboolean
Embedded database - For testing purposes onlyNot recommended for production: a test PostgreSQL database will be installed.postgresql.enabledboolean

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