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Viewing security reports

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Security reports are available starting in Enterprise Edition.

What do security reports show?

Security reports quickly give you the big picture of your application's security. They allow you to know where you stand compared to the most common security mistakes made in the past:

They represent the bare minimum compliance for anyone putting in place a secure development lifecycle.

Depending on the configuration of your SonarQube Server instance, security reports are generated with metrics either from Standard Experience or MQR Mode.

What are the differences among the security issues?

Security Hotspots and Security Vulnerabilities (in Standard Experience) or Security issues (in MQR Mode) differ in that:

  • Security Hotspot is a security-sensitive piece of code that is highlighted but doesn't necessarily impact the overall application security. It's up to the developer to review the code and determine whether or not a fix is needed to secure it.
  • Security Vulnerability (in Standard Experience) or Security (in MQR Mode) is a problem that impacts the application's security and needs to be fixed immediately.

For more details, see the Security hotspots page.

Why don't I see any security issues?

A rating is unavailable and displayed as a dash (-) for Security Vulnerabilities (in Standard Experience), Security issues (in MQR Mode), or Security Hotspots for the following reasons:

  • Your code has been written without using any security-sensitive API.
  • Security Vulnerability (in Standard Experience), Security (in MQR Mode), or Security Hotspot rules are available but not activated in your quality profile, so no security issues are being raised. For example. if there are no rules corresponding to a given OWASP category activated in your quality profile, you won't get issues linked to that specific category and the rating displayed will be a dash (-).
  • SonarQube Server might not currently have many rules for your programming language, so it won't raise any issues or only a few security issues are being recognized.

Downloading a PDF copy

You can download a PDF copy of your security reports by clicking Download as PDF in the upper-right corner of the Security reports page.

The PDF contains:

  • the number of open Security Vulnerabilities (in Standard Experience) or Security issues (in MQR Mode) and the security rating on both overall code and new code.
  • the number of Security Hotspots, the percentage of reviewed Security Hotspots, and the security review rating on both overall and new code.
  • your SonarSource, OWASP Top 10, and CWE Top 25 2020 reports.

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