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8.9 | Project administration | Portfolio PDF configuration

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Portfolio PDF configuration

PDF reports are available as part of the Enterprise Edition and above.

A user with administrative rights on a portfolio can configure email distribution of the PDF. From a Portfolio Home Page go to Administration > Executive Report.


You can tune the email frequency of the PDF Report. The possible values are:

  • Daily: report is sent during the first portfolio calculation of the day (if any)
  • Weekly: report is sent during the first portfolio calculation of the week (if any) from Monday
  • Monthly (default): report is sent during the first portfolio calculation of the month (if any), starting from the first day of the current month

Other Recipients

If people without SonarQube accounts want to receive the PDF, you can feed the administrative "Other Recipients" field with their email addresses.

PDF reports give a periodic, high-level overview of the overall code quality and security of your projects, applications, or portfolios.

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