Language-specific properties
Discover and update the Python-specific properties in Administration > Configuration > General Settings > Languages > Python
Handling project Python version
Python code is analyzed by default as compatible with python 2 and python 3. Some issues will be automatically silenced to avoid raising False Positives. In order to get a more precise analysis you can specify the Python versions your code supports via the sonar.python.version
The accepted format is a comma-separated list of versions having the format "X.Y". Here are some examples:
sonar.python.version=2.7, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9
This parameter can be used in the file or the SonarScanner CLI command.
Custom rules
The Python analyzer parses the source code, creates an abstract syntax tree (AST), and then walks through the entire tree. A coding rule is a visitor that is able to visit nodes from this AST.
As soon as the coding rule visits a node, it can navigate its children and log issues if necessary.
Writing a plugin
Custom rules for Python can be added by writing a SonarQube Server Plugin and using Python analyzer APIs. Here are the steps to follow:
Create a SonarQube Server plugin
- Create a standard SonarQube Server plugin project.
- Attach this plugin to SonarQube Server's Python analyzer through the
:- Add the dependency to the Python analyzer.
- Add the following line in the sonar-packaging-maven-plugin configuration.
- Implement the following extension points:
- Plugin
- RulesDefinition and PythonCustomRuleRepository, which can be implemented by a single class, to declare your custom rules.
- Declare the RulesDefinition as an extension in the Plugin extension point.
Implement a rule
- Create a class that will hold the implementation of the rule, it should:
- extend
. - Define the rule name, key, tags, etc. This can be done either by adding Java annotations or by adding them directly in the corresponding JSON file, like this one.
- extend
- declare this class in the
Example plugin
A sample plugin can be found here: python-custom-rules-example to help you get started.
Implementation details
Using PythonVisitorCheck
To explore a part of the AST, override a method from PythonVisitorCheck
. For example, if you want to explore "if statement" nodes, override the visitIfStatement
method that will be called each time an ifStatement node is encountered in the AST.
When overriding a visit method, you must call the super method in order to allow the visitor to visit the children of the node.
Using PythonSubscriptionCheck
To explore a part of the AST, override PythonSubscriptionCheck#initialize
and call SubscriptionCheck.Context#registerSyntaxNodeConsumer
with the Tree#Kind
of node you want to visit. For example, if you want to explore "if statement", you should register to the kind Tree#Kind#IF_STATEMENT
and then provide a lambda that will consume a SubscriptionContext
to act on such nodes.
Create issues
From the check, an issue can be created by calling the SubscriptionContext#addIssue
method or a PythonVisitorCheck
Testing checks
You can use the PythonCheckVerifier#verify
method to test custom checks. Don't forget to add the testkit dependency to access this class from your project:
You should end each line having an issue with a comment in the following form:
# Noncompliant {{Message}}
Comment syntax is described here.
Configuring plugins for analyzer loading optimization
By default, the loading of analyzers is optimized (see Improving performance), SonarQube Server will only download analyzers and third-party plugins for the detected languages before running an analysis.
When creating custom plugins, to prevent errors when projects are analyzed, “you must use the requiredForLanguages
property in your plugin's pom.xml
file (Gradle: Plugin-RequiredForLanguages
in the MANIFEST directly) to specify the languages your plugin supports. Without this property, your plugin will be executed unconditionally during analysis, even when its language-specific dependencies are unavailable. See Plugin basics for details on this behavior and the requiredForLanguages
Jupyter Notebooks
Jupyter Notebooks are an open document format based on JSON. They are used for all sorts of data science tasks: data cleaning and transformation, data visualization, statistical modeling, machine learning, deep learning, etc.
Supported versions
SonarQube Server can analyze Jupyter Notebooks nbformat.v4 and later.
Specific properties
Discover and update the Jupyter Notebooks-specific properties in Administration > General Settings > Languages > Python > Jupyter Notebooks.
Managing rules
Jupyter Notebook rules can be enabled and disabled in your quality profile.
Jupyter Notebooks in SonarQube for VSCode
You can analyze your Jupyter Notebooks projects directly in VS Code. Note that Connected Mode will be ignored when working with Jupyter Notebooks (if this feature is important to you, you can submit the idea on SonarQube Server's portal).
Important notes
- Only Python code is analyzed in Jupyter Notebooks.
- Only primary locations are shown (see Issues to learn more about primary vs. secondary locations).
- Analysis does not measure code duplication at this time.
Related Pages
- Importing external issues (Pylint, Bandit, Flake8)
- Test coverage and execution (the Coverage tool provided by Ned Batchelder, Nose, pytest)
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