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Azure DevOps extension for SonarQube Server

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The Azure DevOps extension for SonarQube Server makes it easy to integrate analysis into your Azure build pipeline. The extension allows the analysis of all languages supported by SonarQube Server. For more information, see Azure Pipelines integration overview.

This page explains how to install the extension. Once the global-level integration with Azure DevOps is complete, and you have created and configured your SonarQube project, you can add SonarQube analysis to your Azure build pipeline.

Installation requirements

Azure DevOps

The extension will work with:

  • Azure DevOps Services
  • Azure DevOps Server 2022 Update 2
  • Azure DevOps Server 2022 Update 1
  • Azure DevOps Server 2022 Update 0.1 Patch 3 and later
  • Azure DevOps Server 2020 Update 1.2 Patch 9 and later
  • Azure DevOps Server 2020 Update 0.2 Patch 4 and later
  • Azure DevOps Server 2019 Update 1.2 Patch 5 and later
  • Azure DevOps Server 2019 - patch 15 and later
Azure pipeline agents

The extension will work with all of the hosted agents (Windows, Linux, and macOS):

  • If you are using Microsoft-hosted agents, there is nothing else to install. 
  • If you are self-hosting the agents, see General requirements on scanner environment.
    In addition, make sure the appropriate build tools are installed on the agent for the type of project you are analyzing. For example, .NET Framework v4.6.2+/NET Core 3.1+ if building using MSBuild, Maven for Java projects, etc.

The minimum agent version for @7 tasks of the Azure DevOps Extension for SonarQube Server is 3.218.0.

Allowed websites

In order to download binaries and communicate with SonarQube Server, the following URLs should be whitelisted:

  • SonarQube base URL.
  • If using the Maven/Gradle mode or not using the default version of SonarScanner for .NET or CLI: the SonarSource binaries site (
If your instance of SonarQube Server is secured

If your SonarQube Server instance is configured with HTTPS and a self-signed certificate, you must add the self-signed certificate to the trusted CA certificates of the SonarScanner. In addition, if mutual TLS is used, you must define the access to the client certificate at the SonarScanner level.

See Managing the TLS certificates on the client side.

Installing the extension

  1. Sign in to your  Azure DevOps Services organization or Azure DevOps Server collection with the dedicated technical account you created in Setting up integration at the global level
  2. From the Visual Studio Marketplace, install the Azure DevOps extension for SonarQube by selecting the Get it free button.

If upgrading from a previous version of the extension

Smooth migration

The v7 extension embeds the latest version of SonarScanner for .NET and SonarScanner CLI. However, to allow a smooth migration, you can set up your Azure build pipeline to use a previous version of one of these scanners and thus, continue using a previous SonarQube tasks version until you’re ready to upgrade. See Using a specific version of SonarScanner for .NET or CLI

Prepare analysis configuration task: new scanner mode values

Allowable values for the scannerMode required property of the Prepare Analysis Configuration task have changed with the v7 extension. Please use the following in your @7 tasks:

  • dotnet for the .NET mode
  • cli for the CLI mode
  • other for the Maven / Gradle mode

Deprecation notices

@6 tasks are deprecated in v7.0 extension and will be dropped in a subsequent release.

Previous versions

As new scanner versions are released, previous requirements and/or planned deprecations will be listed here.

Azure DevOps v6.2.x extension for SonarQube Server

The current versions of the SonarScanner for .NET and SonarScanner CLI scanners are embedded and depending on your configuration, some additional setup may be required. 

If you want to specify the exact .NET or CLI scanner version, use the the msBuildVersion and cliVersion properties. Please check the Using the Prepare Analysis Configuration task on the Azure DevOps integration page for details.

When specifying a particular scanner version, internet access is required by the pipelines calling the .NET or CLI scanners:

  • Access to is required to download the SonarScanner for .NET. The GitHub URL and its HTTP redirect,, should be whitelisted.
  • Access to is required to download the SonarScanner CLI. The Sonar binaries should be whitelisted.

For users running on-premise or using self-hosted agents, the minimum agent version for SonarQube v6 tasks is 3.218.0.

in v6.0.1

  • Version @5 tasks were deprecated in v6.0.1 and will be dropped in a subsequent release.

Azure DevOps v5.x.x extension for SonarQube Server

  • Version @5 tasks were deprecated in v6.0.1 and will be dropped in a subsequent release.
  • For users running on-premise or using self-hosted agents, the minimum agent version for SonarQube version @5 tasks is 2.114.0.

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