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Registering SonarQube in Microsoft Entra ID

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This page explains how to register SonarQube in Microsoft Entra ID. This is the first step of SAML authentication setup with Microsoft Entra ID. For an overview of the complete setup, see Setting up SAML with Microsoft Entra ID.

Step 1: Create the SonarQube SAML application in MS Entra ID

1. In Microsoft Entra ID, go to Manage > Enterprise applications > All applications.

2. Select New application and then Create your own application.

3. Fill in the name and select the Integrate any other application you don't find in the gallery option.

4. Select Create.

Step 2: Configure the SonarQube application in MS Entra ID

1. Go to Single sign-on > SAML. The Set up Single Sign-On with SAML page opens

2. In the Basic SAML Configuration section of the page, select Edit, fill in the Identifier and the Reply URL fields as described below, and save.

Basic configuration fields
IdentifierIdentifier of the SonarQube application in Entra ID. 
Reply URL

Must be in the format:


Note: Make sure the SonarQube Server URL is correctly set in SonarQube:

  1. Go to Administration > Configuration > General Settings > General.
  2. Navigate to the General section and check the Server base URL field value.

3. In the Attributes & Claims section of the page, select Edit and configure the attributes used by SonarQube as described below. To add an attribute, select Add new claim.

Attributes & claims

The table below shows possible mappings you can use for the SAML attributes used by SonarQube.

SAML attribute used by SonarQubeDescriptionAttribute in Microsoft Entra IDRequired
LoginA unique name to identify the user in SonarQube. Examples: emailaddressobjectIDx
NameThe full name of the user.Example: givennamex
EmailThe email of the user.Example: emailaddress

4. If you use the group synchronization feature (If a matching group is found in SonarQube, the Entra ID user account's memberships in that group are synchronized in SonarQube.), add a group attribute as described below. Alternatively, you may use SCIM user and group provisioning, see SCIM provisioning with Entra ID

Adding a group attribute
  1. Select Add a group claim, and configure the group attribute as follows:
    •  Group Claims: Groups assigned to the application
    • Source attribute: sAMAccountname
  2. Once done, the option to add a group will be unavailable and the group attribute will be listed with the other attributes in the Add new claim tab.

5. In the SAML Certificates section of the page, download Certificate (Base64). (You will have to copy-paste the downloaded certificate into SonarQube during the setup in SonarQube.)

6. Assign users and groups as follows:

  • Go to Manage >  Users and groups
  • Select Add user/group to assign users or groups to the application.

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