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Configuring SAML with Microsoft Entra ID in SonarQube

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This page explains how to set up SAML in SonarQube when using Microsoft Entra ID as the identity provider. This is the second step of SAML authentication setup with Microsoft Entra ID. For an overview of the complete setup, see Setting up SAML with Microsoft Entra ID.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Open MS Entra ID to prepare the copy-paste of single-sign-on settings in SonarQube.
  2. Configure SAML in SonarQube.

Open MS Entra ID

To prepare the copy-paste of single-sign-on settings in SonarQube:

  1. In Microsoft Entra ID, go to Identity > Applications > Enterprise applications > All applications and select the SonarQube application.
  2. On the application's page, select Single sign-on. You will need to retrieve values related to sections 1, 2, and 4. In section 2, select Edit first to open the Attributes & Claims page.

Configure SonarQube

1. Go to Administration > Configuration > General Settings > Authentication> SAML.

2. Select Create Configuration.

3.  Fill in the fields as explained in the table below. 

Field in SonarQubeDescription
Application IDValue in MS Entra ID:In the Basic SAML Configuration section (1), value of the Identifier(Entity ID) field.
Provider IDValue in MS Entra ID:In the Set up <sonarQubeApplication> section (4), value of the Microsoft Entra ID Identifier field.
Provider NameName of the Identity Provider displayed in SonarQube login page when SAML authentication is active.
SAML Login URLValue in MS Entra ID:In the Set up <sonarQubeApplication>  section (4), value of the Login URL field.
Identity provider certificateCertificate downloaded in Step 2 of Setup in Entra ID.
SAML user login attribute

Value in MS Entra ID:In the Attributes & Claims section (2), select Edit and retrieve the Claim name (URL type value) of the attribute to be used for Login. 

For an example, see the SonarQube screenshot below.

SAML user name attribute

Value in MS Entra ID:In the Attributes & Claims section (2), select Edit and retrievethe Claim name (URL type value) of the attribute to be used for Name. 

For an example, see the SonarQube screenshot below.

SAML user email attributeOptional.
Value in MS Entra ID:In the Attributes & Claims section (2), select Edit and retrieve the Claim name (URL type value) of the attribute to be used for email.
SAML group attributeOptional (if you want to use the group synchronization).
Value in MS Entra ID:In the Attributes & Claims section (2), select Edit and retrieve the Claim name (URL type value) of the groups attribute.

Below is a SonarQube screenshot with SAML user login and name value examples.

The corresponding configuration in SonarQube uses the Azure namespace + name of the attribute to be used.

4. Save the configuration.

5. Before enabling SAML authentication on SonarQube, you can verify that the configuration is correct by selecting Test Configuration. This will initiate a SAML login and return useful information about the SAML response obtained from the identity provider.

6. Select Enable configuration.

7. Check that the SonarQube login form now contains a SAML login button.

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