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Customizing SonarQube Helm chart before installation

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While we only document the most pressing Helm chart customizations in this documentation, there are other possibilities for you to choose to customize the chart before installing. Please see the Helm chart README file for more information on these. In particular, see the recommended production use case values.

You can customize the Helm chart:

  • By editing the default values in the values.yaml file. 
  • Or directly in the Helm chart installation command line (see Installing Helm chart).

Enabling Openshift

If you want to install SonarQube Helm chart on Openshift:

  1. Set OpenShift.enabled to false.
  2. Set Openshift.createSCC to false.
  3. If you want to make your application publicly visible with Routes, you can set route.enabled to true. Please check the configuration details in the Helm chart documentation to customize the Route base on your needs.

Ensuring a restricted security level

About the Pod security level

Below is the Pod security level applied by default to each container. To apply a security level, a default SecurityContext is set on the container through the Helm chart. 

ContainerPod security levelNote
SonarQube application containersrestricted
SonarQube init containersrestricted
postgresql containersrestricted

Utility software that requires root access. 

init-fsbaselineUtility software that requires root access. To disable the container, set initFs.enabled in the Helm chart to false.

The SecurityContext below is set as default on all restricted containers. 

allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 1000
runAsGroup: 1000
  type: RuntimeDefault
  drop: ["ALL"]
In a Kubernetes installation

To run the SonarQube Helm chart in a full restricted namespace, you must disable the init-sysctl and init-fs containers by setting in the Helm chart:

  • initSysctl.enabled to false
  • initFs.enabled to false

Since these containers are used to perform some settings at the host/kernel level, disabling them may require additional configuration steps. For more information, see Elasticsearch prerequisites in the Helm chart documentation. 

In an OpenShift installation

The configuration described in Enabling OpenShift above forces the disabling of the init-sysctl and init-fs containers. These containers should not be required in the vast majority of cases for an Openshift installation. Therefore, an Openshift installation is compatible with restricted SCCv2 (Security Context Constraints).

Enabling persistency in Elasticsearch

SonarQube comes with a bundled Elasticsearch, and as Elasticsearch is stateful, so is SonarQube. There is an option to persist the Elasticsearch indexes in a Persistent Volume, but with regular killing operations by the Kubernetes Cluster, these indexes can be corrupted. By default, persistency is disabled in the Helm chart.

Enabling persistency decreases the startup time of the SonarQube Pod significantly, but you are risking corrupting your Elasticsearch index. You can enable persistency by adding the following to the values.yaml:

  enabled: true

Leaving persistency disabled results in a longer startup time until SonarQube is fully available, but you won't lose any data as SonarQube will persist all data in the database.

Using custom certificates for your code repository

When you are working with your own Certificate Authority or in an environment that uses self-signed certificates for your code repository platform, you can create a secret containing this certificate and add this certificate to the Java truststore inside the SonarQube deployment.

To add a certificate to the Javatrustore inside the SonarQube deployment:

  1. Ask the relevant team to provide you with a PEM format certificate or certificate chain. We will assume it to be called cert.pem on the following commands.
  2. Generate the kubernetes secret, e.g. with this command:
    k create secret generic --from-file cert.pem <secretName> -n  <sonarqubeNamespace>
  3. In SonarQube’s value.yaml file, add:
  enabled: true
  secret: <secretName>

Creating an Ingress to make SonarQube service accessible from outside

To make the SonarQube service accessible from outside of your cluster, you most likely need an Ingress.

To create an Ingress resource through the Helm chart:

  • Add the following to your SonarQube’s values.yaml. In this configuration, we use the Ingress class NGINX with a body size of at least 64MB since this is what we recommend. 
  enabled: true
  # Used to create an Ingress record.
    - name: <Your Sonarqube FQDN>
      # Different clouds or configurations might need /* as the default path
      path: /
      # For additional control over serviceName and servicePort
      # serviceName: someService
      # servicePort: somePort
  annotations: "64m"

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