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Administering your users

On this page

This page explains how to administer your DevOps platform service (DOP) users or SAML SSO users.

Onboarding users

Whether through a DevOps platform or a SAML identity provider, when users first sign up with SonarQube Cloud, their account is automatically created in SonarQube Cloud. 

At login time, users are automatically added to organizations in the following cases:

Otherwise, you must manually add the DOP users to their organization: see Managing the organization members.

Managing the user permissions

As an organization admin, you can set:

Deleting a DOP account

You can only delete your own account: see below. If you want to delete another user's DevOps platform (DOP) account:

  • If the GitHub member synchronization is used, remove the user from the GitHub organization.
  • Otherwise, remove the user’s DOP account from the SonarQube Cloud organizations they are a member of: see Managing the organization members.

Deleting a SAML SSO account

You can only delete your own account (see below). 

To prevent a SAML SSO user from logging in to your SonarQube Cloud organizations, remove their access rights from the identity provider. 

Deleting your own account

As an organization admin, you can delete your account only if you're not the only admin of the organization (see also Transferring the ownership of an organization in Managing the organization's members and permissions).

To delete your account:

  1. In the top right corner of the SonarQube Cloud UI, select the account icon.
  2. In the menu, select My account. The Profile page opens.
  3. In the Delete your SonarQube Cloud account section, select Delete account.

Enabling/disabling the GitHub member synchronization

When you import a GitHub organization to SonarQube Cloud, GitHub member synchronization is enabled by default. If you disable it, members will no longer be added or removed automatically and membership in GitHub-based organizations must be managed manually, as it is with other repository platforms.

To enable/disable the GitHub member synchronization for your organization:

  1. Retrieve the organization.
  2. Open the Members page.
  3. Select Configure synchronization. The Members Management dialog opens.
  4. Select the manual or automatic option and Save.

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