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SonarCloud | Getting started with Enterprise | Setting up your enterprise

Setting up your enterprise

This page explains how to set up your enterprise. For more information about enterprise management, see Managing your enterprise.

Step 1: Prepare the enterprise onboarding

Each organization in the enterprise must be assigned to the Enterprise subscription plan. To do so, an enterprise coupon corresponding to your chosen enterprise plan level is applied to each organization.

If you haven't yet onboarded your organizations into SonarCloud, see Creating your organizations below first. Otherwise, go directly to Assigning the Enterprise plan to your organizations below.

Creating your organizations (free plan)

If not already done, you must create in SonarCloud the organizations to be added to your enterprise. You create first a free plan organization and then assign to it the Enterprise plan in Assigning the Enterprise plan to your organizations below.

If you have only private projects in your DevOps organization, create the organization in SonarCloud manually (otherwise, you will have to assign the Team plan to your organization). A manually created organization is not bound to the corresponding DevOps platform organization. You will bind it in Step 4 below.

To create your organization manually: 

  1. Sign up for SonarCloud using your DevOps platform (DOP) service account.
  2. On the top right of the SonarCloud interface, select the ✚ (plus) menu and select Create new organization. The Create an organization page opens.
  3. Select the create one manually hyperlink below the Import button.
  4. Enter the organization name and key.
  5. Select the Create organization button.

Otherwise, you can import your organization as described in Set up your organization on the corresponding page:

Assigning the Enterprise plan to your organizations
  1. For each organization you want to include in the enterprise, select the number of Lines of Codes (LOC) of the Enterprise plan you want to purchase: see Pricing model. For a yearly paid plan organization, the current LOC threshold is used at no extra cost if you enable the Enterprise features as follows:
    • In SonarCloud UI, retrieve the organization. 
    • Open the Billing & Upgrade tab.
    • In Try some Enterprise features at no extra cost, select Try features now.
  2. Contact our team to purchase the corresponding Enterprise coupons. You will need to provide the key of each organization that will be part of the enterprise (The key is displayed at the far right of the Organization's navigation bar, see Retrieving your organizations.). 
  3. When possible, our team will apply the coupons to your organizations. If it’s not the case, once you have received the coupons, apply the coupon to an organization as follows: 
    1. In SonarCloud UI, retrieve the organization. 
    2. Open the Billing & Upgrade tab.
    3. In Already have a coupon?,  select apply it directly here.

Step 2: Create the SonarCloud enterprise by upgrading one of your organizations

To create an enterprise, you upgrade to an enterprise one of the organizations you prepared in Step 1. 

You must be an admin of this organization. Once you create the enterprise, you become an enterprise admin automatically.

To create your enterprise:

  1. In SonarCloud UI, retrieve the organization to be upgraded to enterprise. 
  2. Open the Billing & Upgrade tab.
  3. In Enterprise, select Upgrade to Enterprise. The Upgrade to Enterprise page opens.
  4. Enter the enterprise name and key, and select Upgrade to Enterprise. The enterprise is created.

Step 3: Add the other organizations to your enterprise

You can now add the other organizations you prepared in Step 1 to your enterprise. To perform this step, you must be an admin of both the enterprise and the organization to be added. 

To add an organization to your enterprise:

  1. Retrieve your enterprise in SonarCloud UI:
    • Select your account menu in the top right corner. 
    • In the menu, under My Enterprises, select the enterprise. The Organizations page of the enterprise opens. 
  2. Select the Add button. The Add an organization dialog opens.
  3. Select the organization to be added and select the Add button.

Step 4: Bind the organizations to the DevOps platform

This step is only necessary in case you created your organizations manually in Step 1.

To bind your organization to its corresponding DevOps platform:

  1. Retrieve your organization in SonarCloud interface. To do so:
    • Select your account menu in the top right corner. 
    • In the menu, under My Organizations, select the organization you want to bind.
  2. Go to Administration > Organization settings  > Bind this organization
  3. Select the Choose the organization on <DevOps platform> button. The integration page opens in your DevOps platform.
  4. Follow the instructions.

Step 5: Set the enterprise permissions of users

As an enterprise admin, you can grant the Administer Enterprise and Create portfolios permissions. For more information, see Managing the enterprise-related permissions in Managing your enterprise.

To set the enterprise-related permissions of users:

  1. Retrieve your enterprise. To do so:
    • Select your account menu in the top right corner. 
    • In the menu, under My Enterprises, select your enterprise.
  2. Go to Administration > Permissions.
  3. If necessary, filter the list of users.
  4. For each user, select or unselect the permissions in the table.

Step 6: Complete the enterprise onboarding

For each organization in your enterprise:

If you want to transition your enterprise to SAML SSO, see Setting up SAML SSO.

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