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SonarCloud | Managing your projects | Managing code issues | Fixing issues

Fixing your code issues

On this page

Depending on the issue, you may get fix suggestions:

  • In the How can I fix it? tab of the issue's detail view.
  • From the Team plan, generated through AI: see Getting AI-generated fix suggestions below.

Opening issues in your IDE

To speed up the time it takes to find and fix the issue, you can open the issue in your IDE provided the Connected Mode has been properly set up in order to connect SonarLint with SonarCloud. 

To open an issue in your IDE:

  1. Retrieve the issue and open its detail view as described above in Retrieving issues
  2. Select the Open in IDE button. 

Getting AI-generated fix suggestions

This feature is available in Early Access, in the Team and Enterprise plans.

When AI-generated fix suggestions are activated in your organization, you can get an AI-generated fix suggestion for each issue detected in your project. To do this: 

  1. Inside a project, go to the Issues page and select an issue.
  2. From the Where is the Issue tab or the AI CodeFix tab, click the Generate Fix button.

You can then copy a generated fix to your IDE:

  • manually, by copying and pasting the suggestion in your IDE.
  • using the AI CodeFix > View Fix in IDE button if you use Connected Mode. This option is available when working with SonarLint for VS Code, IntelliJ, and Eclipse.

Note that for some issues, AI-generated fix suggestions are not available.

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