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SonarQube Cloud | Administering SonarQube Cloud | Creating and editing your organization | Binding an unbound organization

Binding an unbound organization

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If you created your organization manually, then it’s not bound to its corresponding DevOps platform organization and you don’t benefit from many advantages. This procedure explains how to bind your unbound organization. To do so, you need the corresponding permissions on your DevOps platform.

Currently, the following apply (The limitations on GitHub and Bitbucket organization binding will be removed in a future SonarQube Cloud release.):

  • To bind a GitHub organization, you must log in to SonarQube Cloud with your GitHub account.
  • To bind a Bitbucket organization, you must log in to SonarQube Cloud with your Bitbucket account.
  • To bind a GitLab or Azure DevOps organization, you can use any account, including your SAML SSO account. 

Binding to a GitHub organization

You must be an owner of the GitHub organization.

To bind your unbound organization to a GitHub organization:

  1. Log in to SonarQube Cloud with your GitHub account.
  2. Retrieve the organization.
  3. Go to Administration > Organization settings  > Organization binding
  4. Select the GitHub button. The Install SonarQube Cloud page opens. The SonarQube Cloud app is required to allow SonarQube Cloud to access your GitHub organization. 
  5. Select the GitHub organization you want to import. 
  6. In Repository access, you can restrict access to the Git repositories that can be imported to SonarQube Cloud for analysis (you can always change this setting later: see Importing a GitHub organization).
  7. Select Save. Your SonarQube Cloud organization is bound.

Binding to a Bitbucket Cloud workspace

You must be an administrator of the Bitbucket workspace:

  • You will already be an administrator of your default workspace. 
  • For any other workspace, you have to add your Bitbucket account to a user group with the Administer workspace user right enabled.

To bind your unbound organization to a Bitbucket workspace:

  1. Log in to SonarQube Cloud with your Bitbucket account.
  2. Retrieve the organization.
  3. Go to Administration > Organization settings  > Organization binding
  4. Select the Bitbucket button.
  5. Under Import from a DevOps platform, select the GitHub button.
  6. When prompted, grant access to the SonarQube Cloud application to read your Bitbucket Cloud workspace. SonarQube Cloud requests access for:
    • Reading your account information.
    • Reading your repositories and their pull requests.
    • Reading your team membership information.

Binding to a GitLab group

You can bind your SonarQube Cloud organization to:

  • Any GitLab parent group of which you're the owner.
  • Your personal GitLab group. This group refers to the repositories that are under your personal namespace.

To bind your unbound organization to a GitLab group:

  1. In GitLab, create the personal access token required by SonarQube Cloud to access the GitLab group. See Step 1 in Importing a GitLab group.
  2. Log in to SonarQube Cloud with any DevOps platform account or your SAML SSO account. If you don't use your GitLab account, see Importing organizations from multiple DevOps platforms for important insights.
  3. Retrieve the organization.
  4. Go to Administration > Organization settings  > Organization binding
  5. Select the GitLab button.
  6. Select either
    • Import any GitLab group, if you want to import a GitLab group other than your personal one, or
    • Import my personal GitLab group, if you want to import only the repositories that are under your personal namespace.
  7. In GitLab group key (if you don't import your personal GitLab group), enter the group key. To retrieve the key, see  Step 2 in Importing a GitLab group.
  8. In Personal Access Token, paste the personal access token you created in the first step.

Binding to an Azure DevOps organization

You must be an administrator of the Azure DevOps organization.

To bind your unbound organization to an Azure DevOps organization:

  1. In Azure DevOps, create the Personal Access Token (PAT) required by SonarQube Cloud to access the Azure DevOps organization. See Step 1 in Importing an Azure DevOps organization.
  2. Log in to SonarQube Cloud with any DevOps platform account or your SAML SSO account. If you don't use your GitLab account, see Importing organizations from multiple DevOps platforms for important insights.
  3. Retrieve the organization.
  4. Go to Administration > Organization settings  > Organization binding
  5. Select the Azure DevOps button.
  6. Follow the instructions. 
  7. In Personal Access Token, paste the PAT you created in the first step.

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