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SonarQube Cloud | Administering SonarQube Cloud | Creating and editing your organization | Changing organization settings

Changing the organization settings

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You must be an organization admin to perform the procedures described below.

Changing organization details

You can:

  • Change the organization name displayed on SonarQube Cloud UI.
  • Add or change the avatar. The avatar is a small image representing the organization and displayed on the UI near the organization's name.
  • Add or change the organization description.
  • Add or change the URL of the homepage of the organization displayed on the UI.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Retrieve the organization.
  2. Go to Administration > Organization settings  > General > Organization details.
  3. Edit the field value(s).
  4. Select Save.

Changing the organization key

The organization key is set when you import the organization into SonarQube Cloud. At that point, you can choose your own key or accept the suggested key. In some cases, you may later wish to change this key (for example, if a new naming convention is adopted at your company, or if you initially chose a bad key by accident).

To change the key of your organization:

  1. Retrieve the organization.
  2. Go to Administration > Organization settings  > General > Edit organization key.
  3. In Key, enter your new key, and select Save.
  4. Make the same change to the sonar.organization setting of every project in the organization that is configured for CI-based analysis, or inform the respective project administrators.

Allowing only private projects in an organization

In a Team or Enterprise plan organization, you can restrict project creation to private projects only. If public projects belong to the organization, you must make them private first: see Changing the project's visibility.

To allow only private projects in your organization:

  1. Retrieve the organization.
  2. Go to Administration > Organization settings > General > Only allow private projects.
  3. Select the Only allow private projects checkbox.
  4. Select Save

Changing the token used to connect to GitLab or Azure DevOps organization

To change the personal access token used to connect to your GitLab or Azure DevOps organization:

  1. Retrieve the organization.
  2. Go to Administration > Organization settings  > Organization binding.
  3. In Current binding, select the Edit token button.

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