SonarQube Cloud | Administering SonarQube Cloud | Creating and editing your organization | Deleting organization
Deleting a SonarQube Cloud organization
You can delete an organization provided you’re an organization admin.
From your account's Organizations page
- Select your account menu in the top right corner of the SonarQube Cloud interface.
- In the menu, select My Organizations. Your account's Organizations page opens.
- Select Delete on the row of the organization you want to delete.
From the organization record
- Go to Administration > Organization settings.
- In the Delete Organization section, select the Delete button. The Delete organization dialog opens.
- Enter your organization name and select Delete.
Related pages
- Importing a GitHub organization or your personal account
- Importing a Bitbucket Cloud workspace
- Importing a GitLab group
- Importing an Azure DevOps organization
- Importing organizations from multiple DevOps platforms using the same account
- Creating an organization manually
- Binding an unbound organization
- Changing the organization settings
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