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SonarQube Cloud | Administering SonarQube Cloud | Creating and editing your organization | Importing GitHub organization

Importing a GitHub organization or your personal account

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When you import your GitHub organization or personal account to SonarQube Cloud, the corresponding organization is created in SonarQube Cloud and is bound to the DevOps platform organization: each SonarQube Cloud organization corresponds one-to-one with a GitHub organization or personal account. 

The user account you used for the import is automatically assigned to the organization’s Owners group which grants you administration rights on the organization. 


You must be an owner of the GitHub organization.

In SonarQube Cloud, each organization is assigned a subscription plan. Before importing your organization, choose the subscription plan suited to your needs: see Subscription plans. In particular, determine the number of Lines of Code (LOC) you need (For more information, see LOC-based pricing in Subscription plans.)

Importing the organization

To import your GitHub organization or personal account to SonarQube Cloud:

  1. Log in to SonarQube Cloud with your GitHub account.
  2. At the top right of the SonarQube Cloud interface, select the ✚ (plus) menu and select Create new organization. The Create an organization page opens.
  3. Under Import from a DevOps platform, select the GitHub button. The Install SonarQube Cloud page opens. The SonarQube Cloud app is required to allow SonarQube Cloud to access your GitHub organization.
    Alternatively, if the GitHub organization you want to import has the SonarQube Cloud application already installed, it will be listed on the page and you can select it. 

4. Select the GitHub organization you want to import. 

5. In Repository access, you can restrict access to the Git repositories that can be imported to SonarQube Cloud for analysis (you can always change this setting later: see below).
Once you've completed the app installation, you'll be redirected to SonarQube Cloud's Create an organization page.

6. In Import organization details, SonarQube Cloud suggests a GitHub Actions secret Name and Key for your SonarQube Cloud organization. The key is unique across all organizations within SonarQube Cloud. You can accept the suggestion or change it manually. The interface will prevent you from changing it to an already existing key. 

7. Select Add additional info to add:

    • An avatar: a small image representing the organization and displayed on the UI near the organization name.
    • A description of the organization.
    • A URL: the URL of the homepage of the organization displayed on the UI.

8. In Choose a plan, select the subscription plan for your organization.

9. If you selected a paid plan, select the number of Lines of Code (LOC) for your plan and follow the instructions to enter your billing and payment information.

10. Select Create Organization. The organization is created and opened in SonarQube Cloud.

Modifying the repository access rights of the organization

  1. At the top right of the SonarQube Cloud interface, select the ✚ (plus) menu and select Create new organization. The Create an organization page opens.
  2. Under Import from a DevOps platform, select the GitHub button. The Install SonarQube Cloud page opens.
    Alternatively, select directly on the page the organization whose repository access you want to change.
  3. Select Configure in front of the organization whose repository access you want to change and authenticate  to GitHub. The GitHub's SonarQubeCloud page opens.
  4. Scroll down to Repository access.
  5. Change the access option and select Save.

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