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SonarQube Cloud | Advanced setup | Languages | JCL


On this page

JCL analysis is available starting with the Enterprise Plan and supported by SonarQube for Eclipse when running in Connected Mode.

Language-specific properties

Discover and update the JCL-specific analysis parameters in the project Administration > General Settings > Languages > JCL.

Source code extraction

To analyze your source code with SonarQube Cloud, you first need to extract it onto a filesystem. You can use your own tool or an open-source tool; Sonar does not provide any connectors or source code extraction tools.

JCL source format

Depending on your extraction process, your JCL source files may include extra characters beyond the 72nd columns, and include the 8 additional characters up to column 80, or even go beyond that column.

When that happens, the parser will:

  • consider everything up to the 71st column as valid JCL code,
  • look at the character in the 72nd column, to determine whether a continuation is present or not,
  • consider everything beyond the 72nd column as an inline comment, even when the text goes beyond the 80th column.

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