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SonarQube tasks for Azure Pipelines

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This page describes the tasks supported by the Azure DevOps extension for SonarQube Server you can use in your Azure build pipeline.

Prepare Analysis Configuration task

This task configures the required settings before executing the build. For .NET solutions or Java projects, it helps integrate seamlessly with MSBuild, Maven, and Gradle tasks.

Task inputs common to all modes

The table below lists the Prepare Analysis Configuration task inputs common to all modes of the Azure DevOps extension for SonarQube Server.

Task inputDescriptionRequired in YAML file
SonarQubeName of the SonarQube service connection(s) (SonarQube Server Endpoint) to your Azure DevOps project. See Adding SonarQube Server service connection to Azure Pipelines in Setting up Azure DevOps integration at the project level.x

The running mode of the Azure DevOps extension for SonarQube Server.

Possible values:

  • dotnet: .NET mode, for .NET projects.
  • other: Maven / Gradle mode, for Maven and Gradle projects.
  • cli: CLI mode, for other projects.
Task inputs specific to the Maven / Gradle mode

The table below lists the Prepare Analysis Configuration task inputs specific to the Maven / Gradle mode of the Azure DevOps extension for SonarQube Server.

InputDescriptionRequired in YAML file

Additional sonar properties to be passed to the scanner. A property is defined through a [key, value] pair.

Format: One [key, value] pair per line as follows:
For example: sonar.exclusions=**/*.bin

x (to set the project key)
Task inputs specific to the .NET mode

The table below lists the Prepare Analysis Configuration task inputs specific to the .NET mode of the Azure DevOps extension for SonarQube Server. The Corresponding sonar property column indicates the sonar property that SonarQube Server will set with the input value. See the sonar property description in Analysis parameters for more information on the possible values and default-from-build values. 

Task inputDescriptionCorresponding sonar propertyRequired in YAML file
  • If the project exists already in SonarQube Server (It is highly recommended to create your project first: see Creating your project): the project’s unique key (is displayed in SonarQube UI).
  • If the project doesn’t exist yet in SonarQube Server, it will be created with this key. Allowed characters are letters, numbers, -, _, ., and :, with at least one non-digit.

The name of the SonarQube Server project that will be displayed on the web interface. 

Default: projectKey input value (if no default-from-build value applies). 

projectVersionThe version of the SonarQube Server project.sonar.projectVersion

The version of the SonarScanner for .NET to be downloaded. See Using a specific SonarScanner version.

Default: The extension’s default version of the SonarScanner for .NET (the latest compatible version).

Task inputs specific to the CLI mode

The table below lists the Prepare Analysis Configuration task inputs specific to the CLI mode of the Azure DevOps extension for SonarQube Server. The Corresponding sonar property column indicates the sonar property that SonarQube Server will set with the input value. See the sonar property description in Analysis parameters for more information on the possible values and default-from-build values. 

Task inputDescriptionCorresponding sonar propertyRequired in YAML file

The path to the root directory containing source files. The path can be absolute, or relative to the repository root. 

Warning:  The possible values are different from the sonar.sources property:

  • You can only set a single path.
  • The relative path must be relative to the repository root (and not the to the sonar.projectBaseDir property).
  • If you want to set a list of paths, define instead sonar.sources in the extraProperties input or in (See Choosing your configuration mode)

Default: .


Specifies the configuration mode. 

Possible values:

  • file (default): The configuration is stored in the file defined through the configFile input.
  • manual: The configuration is defined through the extraProperties input.


Version of the SonarScanner CLI to be downloaded. See [link]

Default: The extension’s default version of the SonarScanner CLI (the last available version).


Is used if configMode is set to file.
The path to the file containing your analysis configuration. Path can be absolute or relative to the repository root.



Is used if configMode is set to manual.

  • If the project exists already in SonarQube Server (It is highly recommended to create your project first: see Creating your project): the project’s unique key (is displayed in SonarQube UI).
  • If the project doesn’t exist yet in SonarQube Server, it will be created with this key. Allowed characters are letters, numbers, -, _, ., and :, with at least one non-digit.

Is used if configMode is set to manual.

The name of the SonarQube Server project that will be displayed on the web interface. 

Default: cliProjectKey input value  (if no default-from-build value applies). 

cliProjectVersionIs used if configMode is set to manual.
The version of the SonarQube Server project.

Is used if configMode is set to manual.

Additional sonar properties to be passed to the scanner. A property is defined through a [key, value] pair.

Format: One [key, value] pair per line as follows:
For example: sonar.exclusions=**/*.bin

Run Code Analysis task

This task executes the analysis of the source code. It is not used in the Gradle / Maven mode of the Azure DevOps extension for SonarQube Server.

The table below lists the task inputs.

Task inputDescription


The version of Java used by the scanner for analysis. See General requirements on scanner environment.

If you select a value other than JAVA_HOME, the analyze task will revert to using JAVA_HOME if the selected environment variable does not exist.

Possible values:

  • JAVA_HOME: Use the value of the JAVA_HOME environment variable on the system. 
  • JAVA_HOME_17_X64: Use the value of the JAVA_HOME_17_X64 environment variable on the system, if available. This environment variable is already set when running on Microsoft-hosted agents.
  • JAVA_HOME_21_X64: Use the value of the JAVA_HOME_17_X64 environment variable on the system. This environment variable is already set when running on Microsoft-hosted agents.

Default: JAVA_HOME

Publish Quality Gate Result task

This task allows you to report the quality gate status directly to your Azure Pipeline's Build Summary page. It is not mandatory but highly recommended.

The table below lists the task inputs.

Task inputDescription

The maximum time (in seconds) for the task to wait for the analysis results sent by SonarQube Server.

Default: 300

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