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Azure Pipelines integration overview

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The Azure DevOps extension for SonarQube Server is used to manage the integration of SonarQube Server with Azure Pipelines. It allows:

  • Integrating smoothly SonarQube analysis into your Azure build pipeline. This includes multi-branch analysis features.
  • Reporting the analysis' quality gate status right in Azure Pipeline's Build Summary page.
  • Checking the SonarQube quality gate status in your Azure release pipeline.

For general information about the SonarQube Server analysis integration into a CI pipeline, see Integration into your CI pipeline.

Extension modes

The Azure DevOps extension for SonarQube Server can run in one of the following modes depending on your project type:

The Azure DevOps Extension for SonarQube Server embeds the last compatible version of the SonarScanner for .NET and SonarScanner CLI, which is used by default. 

In Maven/Gradle mode, your build task downloads the SonarScanner for Maven or Gradle from the SonarSource binaries site.  

SonarQube tasks used in the pipeline definition

The SonarQube Server analysis is integrated into your Azure build pipeline by adding the following SonarQube tasks to your build pipeline definition:

  • Prepare Analysis Configuration
  • Run Code Analysis
    This task starts the SonarScanner for .NET or CLI. In the Maven/Gradle mode, it is replaced by a Maven or Gradle task that downloads the SonarScanner for Maven or Gradle, respectively.
  • Publish Quality Gate Result
    With this task, the quality gate status and a link to SonarQube Server are shown in the Azure Pipeline's Build Summary page. 

Analysis process overview

The figure below shows the analysis's main steps with the example of a .NET project :

  1. The pipeline’s Run Code Analysis task starts the SonarScanner for .NET embedded in the Azure DevOps Extension for SonarQube Server. (The SonarScanner then downloads its binaries from the server as explained in Scanner engine and analyzers download in Analysis overview.)
  2. Once the analysis is complete, the scanner sends the results to SonarQube Server.
  3. SonarQube Server sends the quality gate status to Azure DevOps. This information is processed through the pipeline’s Publish Quality Gate Result task.

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