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User accounts

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As a SonarCloud user you have your own space where you can see the things that are relevant to you.


It gives you a summary of your SCM accounts and allows you to delete your account.


You can create as many tokens as you want. Once a token is created, you can use it to perform an analysis on any project where you have execute analysis permission.


This is an overview of all the organizations of which you are a member.

From there, you can also leave organizations you are not interested in anymore. You should know that there are a few cases where you won't be able to leave an organization:

  • If you are the most recent administrator of it (you will need to transfer administrator rights before, or delete the organization)
  • If you are using members synchronization with Github (you will need to manage membership from the Github organization)

Deleting your user account

Go to User > My Account > Profile and select Delete account. If you are the only administrator for an organization of which your a member, the administrator permissions must first be transferred before you can delete your SonarCloud account. Once your account is deleted, all of your data will be removed, except your login which will still be displayed in different places:

  • issues assignee
  • issues comments
  • issues changelog

Note that you can manually unassign yourself from all your issues and/or remove your comments before deleting your account.

The information used to identify yourself in SCM (name, email) is part of the SCM data and cannot be removed.

Setting user interface themes

You can customize the theme of the SonarCloud UI to match your own preferences. The interface theme defines the appearance of windows, dialog boxes, buttons, and other visual elements of the user interface. It is not the same as the color scheme (that covers colors, fonts, etc). 

When you first log into SonarCloud, the default setting is the Sync with system theme. For existing users, the light theme is selected as the default option, but in both cases, you can select any of the three options:

  • Sync with system: SonarCloud detects the current system settings and uses the default dark or light theme accordingly.
  • Light theme: The traditional light theme.
  • Dark theme: A darkened appearance in which the UI text and content stand out while windows and controls appear to recede into the background.

If you change your mind later, you can change your selection by going to User > My Account > Appearance and switching to the theme of your choice. 

User tokens

Each user has the ability to generate tokens that can be used to run analyses or invoke web services without access to the user's actual credentials. When a user is deleted, their user access tokens are also deleted.

To generate a token, to go User > My Account > Security. Your existing tokens are listed here, each with a Revoke button:

The form at the top of the page allows you to generate new tokens. Once you click the Generate button, you will see the token value. Copy it immediately; if dismiss the notification or leave the page, you will not be able to retrieve it.

User tokens are used as a replacement for your usual login:

  • When running analyses on your code. Replace your login with the token in the sonar.token property.
  • When invoking web services. Use the token for HTTP bearer authentication by sending the token in the HTTP Authorization header using the Bearer scheme. 

Authorization: Bearer <token>

See Bearer Authentication for details.

In either case, no password is needed. The property sonar.password is deprecated.

For more information on using tokens with web services, see Web API

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